词典分类总结 第1篇
_The Oxford Dictionary of English (ODE) is a single-volume English Dictionary published by Oxford University Press, first published in 1998 as The New Oxford Dictionary of English (NODE). The word _new_ was dropped from the title with the Second Edition in 2003.[This dictionary is not based on the Oxford English Dictionary (OED) and should not be mistaken for a new or updated version of the OED. It is a completely new dictionary which strives to represent as faithfully as possible the current usage of English words. The Revised Second Edition contains 355,000 words, phrases, and definitions, including biographical references and thousands of encyclopedic entries. The Third Edition was published in August 2010, with some new words, including 'vuvuzela'._
这本词典好处在于收词多,xxx义也十分精准,而且词汇的短语、谚语罗列也清晰,解释加例句很简单,但让你能一看就明白意思,而且里面没有一句废话,也有_Usage_,_Encyclopedic information_(百科信息),_Word Trends_以及_Word History_这样新开辟的创新选项。
词典分类总结 第2篇
_I also want to say the dictionary, any unabridged dictionary, is a best. I read lists of words as though they were stories. Within their nuances, I see possibilities. Like many writers, I am passionate about words. To this day, I love reading dictionaries, including lexicons of dead languages. I love the sounds and shapes of words, the way certain consonant blends can evoke related images: glow, glisten, glimmer, glen, along with flabby, flap, flop, flotsam, flatter, flatulence. I am fascinated with the origins of words, when they came into being, how they were first used. Within their histories are stories. The dictionary for me is my Scheherazade. Plus it can spell Scheherazade._
词典分类总结 第3篇
_A writer always has an instinctive interest in words as such. Every word has a life and a personality, usually not recorded by a dictionary, except one like the Concise or Pocket Oxford Dictionary.
A good dictionary is always readable, like the P. O. D._
词典分类总结 第4篇
. 根据是否服从或无视字典的规范性 (la sujeción de desatención al carácter nomativo)
. 根据词典里包含的语言 (el número de idiomas)
从这一角度我们可以将词典分为单语词典 (diccionarios monolingües),双语词典 (diccionarios bilingües) 和多语词典 (diccionarios multilingües)。纵观世界范围内的词典学,双语词典和多语词典的使用都早于单语词典。在西语世界里也同样。十六世纪时,商人、从事旅游者和从事外交的人发现学习其他非拉丁的语言更有用,因此拉丁语渐渐不再成为唯一的国际通用语言而带来的改革,大家也纷纷开始学习其他罗曼语,由此出现了许多双语词典和多语词典。到了十六世纪末,大家发现许多专业领域的词汇用自己的语言能更好地解释,因此这个时候才真正出现单语词典。
. 根据读者的西语水平 (el nivel del idioma)
根据西语水平的高低我们先将人分为三类:第一,母语者水平或几乎母语者;第二,正在或者还在学习西语的母语者;第三,学习西语的外国人。从这个角度出发,我们能将词典分为两类,第一类是普通单语词典 (diccionarios monolingües generales),比如我们在.中提到的那两本字典,这一类字典通常是给成年的西语母语者或者几乎将西语当母语的外国人使用,因为理解这一类词典里面的内容需要有很多的西语水平。第二类是教学词典 (diccionarios didácticos),而这一类词典里面又分为两个小类:学校词典 (diccionarios escolares) 和学习词典 (diccionarios de aprendizaje)。学校词典可供正在或者还在学习西语的母语者使用,比较有名的是 Diccionario básico de la lengua española。学习词典是给学习西语的外国人使用,但不建议从一开始就使用,而是等达到B2水平才开始查阅这种字典。我们要注意,这里的学习词典只能是单语的,因为只有单语词典里会提供一个词语的真正的解释,比较有名的是 Concepción Maldonado 的 Diccionario de español para extranjeros。
词典分类总结 第5篇
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针对_Collocation_与_Thesaurus_朗文还特地出了2本特别精致的词典:_Longman Collocations Dictionary and Thesaurus_以及_Longman Language Activator_. 当然,额外还有一本_Longman Idioms Dictionary_.