


英语总结词汇 第1篇

*[ә’kwaiә] vt. 获得, 学到 【电】 目标锁定 Acquire the perspective of God. // 获得上帝视角。

寻址; 如果是读取寄存器里的值,就不应该叫寻址了,寻找地址? 翻译成寄存器访问。 Register addressing transfers a copy of a byte or word from the source addressing register or contents of a memory location to the destination register or memory location.

寻址,寻的是内存的地址。 直接寻址,是直接用立即数寻址, 寄存器间接寻址,是使用寄存器里的值来寻址内存 基地址+索引,寻址内存。 相对寄存器寻址内存,就是在寄存器值的基础上又加了一个offset;和 intel的段设计相关

到来 新世纪的到来,新产品的到来。 As the first new microarchitecture on the 22nm manufacturing process, it marks the arrival of a new 4th gen Intel® Core™ platform, which comprises 4th gen Intel Core processors and the Intel® 8 Series chipset family (codename Lynx Point) 在22纳米制造工艺上的全新微架构,迎接了第四代Intel Core平台的到来。包含四代Intel Core处理器,和 Intel 8 系列芯片组。

对比事物,选出最合适的那个。 A bake-off is a research process or proof of concept in which competing technologies are compared and the best product or service is selected. A bake-off may also refer to a meeting in which software programmers challenge network protocols with their best innovative programs.

Although there are many statements for decisions and loops in programming languages like C and Java, the bedrock statement that implements them at the next lower level is the conditional branch. *[bed’rɒk] n. 基岩, 基本原理, 基础 n [U] (a) solid rock beneath loose soil, sand, etc 松土、沙子等下面的坚固的岩石: reach/get down to bedrock 深及基岩. (b) (fig 比喻) basic facts or principles 基本的事实或原则: the bedrock of one’s beliefs 基本信念.

*['bainәri] a. 由两部分组成的, 二进位的, 二元的 【计】 二进制的; 二态的; 二进制, 二进制文件传输类型设置命令 【医】 二均分的, 二等分的, 二元的 【经】 二进制 The prefix bi- means “two,” and the two states of electricity are called binary states. 二进制文件,机器为指令的文件。

模糊了概念,闪烁不定 在很多场景,C++对待指针和数组的方式一样,导致区别很模糊。 C++ blurs the distinction between pointers and arrays by treating them the same in many cases。


It’s bad practice to bury “magic numbers’’ like 300 and 20 in a program; 埋葬,这个特殊的单词字母u的发音这么特殊

by 在什么旁边 pass 道路, 直译就是旁路/支路/绕过。 为什么不翻译成捷径?捷径的意思还是不够味。bypass有绕过某事的含义。

巨人: /kəˈlɒsəs; kəlɑsəs/ n (pl -lossi/ -5lCsaI;-lBsaI/ or ~es/ -5lCsEsIz; -`lBsEsIz/) 1 statue much larger than life size (远超于实体的)塑像; 巨像. 2 person or thing of very great size, importance, ability, etc 非常巨大、重要、有能量等的人或事物: Mozart is a colossus among composers. xxx是作曲家中的巨匠. This first electronic computing system, which used vacuum tubes, was invented by Alan Turing. Turing called his machine Colossus, probably because of its size.

并,相互,一起,共同;在计算机英语中经常出现。 together,jointly

(a) exist together at the same time or in the same place 同时或同地存在; 共处; 共存. (b) (of opposing countries or groups) exist together without fighting (指对立的国家或集团)和平共处.

相关的;例句 However, cloud computing is designed to spread load over a pool of instances, so they can collectively bring much more DRAM online for a distributed application, although at a much higher coherency cost. a. 黏合在一起的, 一致的, 连贯的 就像小朋友玩的橡皮泥,除了颜色,其他性质都是一样的,可以任意黏合在一起。 下面:当处理器实现了多级缓存时,一致性问题变得更复杂了。 The coherency problem gets even more complex when the processor implements a multilevel cache.

丰富的,包罗万象的,全面的 This book provides a comprehensive introduction to Intel Xeon Phi architecture and the tools necessary for software engineers and scientists to develop optimized code for systems using Intel Xeon Phi coprocessors.



协处理器:数值计算协处理器 This text also explains the programming and operation of the numeric coprocessor, MMX extension, and the SIMD extension, which function in a system to provide access to floating point calculations that are important in control systems, video graphics, and computer-aided design (CAD) applications.

一般共识,大家所意识到的那种知识。 You should try to design them so they follow common-sense rules.

consistent 一致的。这个和coherency的意思是同义的。

Hacking is really just the act of finding a clever and counterintuitive solution to a problem.逆向思维,反意识的途径

_power_efficient_wq are inclined towards saving power and converted into WQ_UNBOUND variants if ‘wq_power_efficient’ is enabled; otherwise, they are same as their non-power-efficient counterparts 如果选项功能没有打开,就变成了没有节省电量的相反队列

*['kri:dәu] n. 信条 Thus programmers often followed a simple credo: Minimize memory space to make programs fast.

周期,一个圈, Note that each stage will take a minimum of one cycle but may extend to further cycles if it gets blocked on some resource issue。 每个阶段最少需要一个周期,如果遇到一些资源问题,也许要扩展使用多个周期。比如指令里的信息要从磁盘读取。


deprecate *['deprәkeit] vt. 声明不赞成, 抗议, 反对 【法】 对…表示不赞成, 反对 This function is deprecated because it replaces the “current” event_base, and is totally unsafe for multithreaded use. The replacement is event_base_new(). 被遗弃,请不要在新版本继续使用。



英语总结词汇 第2篇

When configuring an event base, you can now choose whether you want timers to be more efficient, or more precise. (This only has effect on Linux for now.) Timers are efficient by default: to select more precise timers, use the EVENT_BASE_FLAG_PRECISE_TIMER flag when constructing the event_config, or set the EVENT_PRECISE_TIMER environment variable to a non-empty string.

英语总结词汇 第3篇

病态的 // ill-formed: incomplete type

One of the bottlenecks of the Internet is the address lookup operations performed by the routers. Expensive tailor-made hardware solutions have typically been used to achieve necessary speed. 特制的