


宣传英语辩论赛范文大全 第1篇

I will present my efforts to you and welcome any title of my paper is on transformation of parts of speech in translation. i choose this as my topic due to the following reasons. different languages have different standards to distinguish parts of speech. each language has its own special structure. and there are no equivalent parts of speech between different languages. in order to make the target version more idiomatic and standard, the transformation of parts of speech is always used by translators. so the transformation of parts of speech is playing a more important role in english to chinese based on different characteristics of english and chinese. for the above facts, i select the subject of“on transformation of parts of speech”as the title of my hope by studying this topic we can know the importance of the transformation of parts of speech in english to chinese translation. through transformation, we can get the better version and improve the translation way of thinking and expressing is quite different between chinese and english. english is a kind of static languages which tends to use more nouns. while chinese is a dynamic one in which verbs are often when we make translation in english to chinese, we should know this point and shift the parts of , it is an outline of my paper. in the main part of this paper, i divide it into five one presents an introduction to the basic concepts of parts of speech and two discusses the definition of translation and emphasizes the importance of transformation of parts of speech in the course of three gives four basic ways of transformation of parts of speech through illustrative examples. there are transformed english words into chinese verbs, nouns, adjectives and four presents some problems about transformation and gives some advise to solve the five draws some conclusions that transformation between parts of speech is necessary for us to achieve good translation. it is demonstrated that we can have a good master of transformation and improve the translation. in addition, we must continuously study and explore in all kinds of translation ! that is all. thank you!

宣传英语辩论赛范文大全 第2篇


在进行比赛的时候,可以多用一些反问句来增加气势,让对方觉得你准备充足,如经常用到Don't you think that。


在英语辩论赛的时候尽量要以短小、简短的句子为主,用词要简单,道理浅显,别人一听就知道你在说的话语,而不是要想半天才明白你在说什么,如可以说you are bad,就尽量不要说you are not good。














宣传英语辩论赛范文大全 第3篇




































宣传英语辩论赛范文大全 第4篇

Good morning I’m happy to make a discussion about paper book and E-book with you.

After our team seriously thinking and discussion,we agree that paper book is still the first selection when people decide to read.经过我们团队认真思考和讨论,大家一致认为,纸书依然是当人们决定要读取的第一个选择。That means,though E-book has appeared for many years and its market is growing rapidly,paper book still occupy the first place.这意味着,尽管电子图书已经出现了许多年,其市场正很快,纸质书仍然占据第一的位置。

Therefore,our group choose to support paper compared with E-book, paper book has its natural advantages.因此,我们小组选择支持的纸质书。当与电子书相比,纸书有其天然的优势。

Firstly,traditional culture take paper book as its carrier,this also makes traditional reading has become a habit for most people.首先,传统文化采取纸质图书为载体,这也使得传统阅读对大多数人来说已经成为一种习惯。

We all know that once a habit developed,it will be hard to change.我们都知道,一旦习惯开发的,这将是很难改变。

It also illustrates that the status of paper book is still hard to shake by E-book and the soul and essence of paper book are also impossible to be replaced by E-book.这也说明了纸书的地位还是难以通过电子书来动摇灵魂和纸书的精华,也不可能被电子书取代。

Traditional reading helps us cultivate abstract thinking ability,by contrast,E-book looks like a kind of fast food culture which lacks of depth and aftertaste.传统的阅读能帮助我们培养抽象思维能力,相比之下,电子书看起来就像是一种快餐文化,而缺乏深度和回味。

Secondly,E-book isn’t really conductive to collection,collection of books is also a kind of collection of culture and a historical accumulation at the same time.其次,电子书是不是真的利于收藏,收藏的书籍也是一种集文化,并在同一时间一个历史积淀。

So,one day in the future,if what we can see in museum is not ancient books but electronic readers,such as kindle,CD,removing storage devices,don’t tell me that you still have interesting to visit.于是,有一天,在未来,如果我们能在博物馆看到的是不是古代的书籍,但电子阅读器,如点燃,CD,删除存储设备,不要告诉我,你还有兴趣访问。

So,as far as I’m concerned,a electronic reader is always a cold machine,it cann’t bring us warm feeling like paper book.所以,就我而言,一个电子阅读器始终是一个冰冷的机器,它无法带给我们像纸书温暖的感觉。

To sum up,we choose to support paper book is a right choice. 综上所述,我们选择支持纸书是一个正确的选择。

宣传英语辩论赛范文大全 第5篇



议会制英语辩论的比赛规则因国家、地域不同而发生相应的变化,但其“论证一个问题的必要性与可行性”的核心内涵不会改变。因此,上文提到的英式、美式以及 全亚模式间的区别也更多体现在人数安排以及个别环节的细微差别上。其中.美式议会制英语辩论因其规则程序上的简单明了而成为议会制英语辩论初学者的入门模 式。下面,笔者就以美式议会制英语辩论为例,简要介绍一下其流程、规则与特点。 标准的美式议会制英语辩论一般有正反两支队参加,每一方各两人。另外,还有一个主持人(Speaker/Moderator)以及评委与听众。在议会制英 语辩论的想象空间里,以上所述的这些人就构成了就一项国家大事进行讨论与论辩的议会。正方队伍就是想象中的政府方,其职责在于提出当天要讨论的具体议题 (Case).并由一辩就该议题的必要性以及可行性展开框架式的论述.时间7分钟;正方二辩则负责在反方一辩xxx结束后对反方观点进行批驳,并花主要精力 为本方一辩的框架式论述提供具体详实的实证性辩护。时间8分钟。相对地,反方一辩则要就正方一辩所提出的必要性以及可行性进行驳斥。并提出本方观点的框架 式论述,时间8分钟。反方二辩则也要像正方二辩那样负责批驳对手观点并进一步具体论证本方一辩的框架式论述,时间8分钟。在以上四轮发言中.议会制英语辩 论还设定了颇具挑战性的“质询申辩”(PoI)@规则。即.在每轮演讲的一分钟以后及最后一分种之前,相对方都可以针对发言者的陈述提出即时性的问题或申 辩,时间限在15秒以内。四轮发言结束后,由反方(通常为一辩)开始4分钟的批驳性总结xxx.而正方(也通常为一辩)则在其发言结束后进行s分钟的总结陈 述。在这两个总结期间.不允许对方提任何POI。


第一.比赛将由一名计时员严格把握时间.禁止双方超时陈述.计时员在每段陈述开始一分钟后以及最后一分钟前.都会给辩手相应的提示。 第二.辩手发言时可以参考自己所做的要点提示.但不可以参看自己赛前收集的各类资料. 第三.发言的辩手有权接受也可拒绝对手的POI,但不可全都回避。

PoI的提出要严格限定在15秒内。在前四轮xxx的保护时段(第一秒及最后一秒)以及总 结阶段都禁止PoI的提出。



今天,议会制英语辩论已发展成为世界范围内大学校际英语辩论赛的主要形式。其赛制与规则也因地域文化的差异而发生些许变化。现存的几大形式主要有:英式辩 xxx、美式辩论、全亚模式辩论。

其中.英式辩论有四支队参加,正反方各两支队.每支队2人;美式辩论则只有两支队。每队2人;全亚模式则有6人参加,每队 3人。议会制英语辩论在发展初期主要在英美等国大学的校际比赛中进行.它在亚洲国家的起步较晚,具有历史意义的第一届全亚大专英语辩论赛1994年才在新加坡南洋理工大学成功举行.然而。这个名日“全亚大专英语辩论”的比赛当时只是新加坡、马来西亚、泰国、菲律宾等东南亚国家问的比赛.中国、日本、韩国 等东北亚国家则未见其踪。直到20xx年5月.随着第25届世界大专英语辩论赛在马来西亚的成功举行,议会制英语辩论才真正成为一项在亚、非、美、澳、 xxx普及的国际赛事。



关于高级英语口语教学,国内近来有不少教学论文都不同程度地谈及英语论辩教学。然而,其中不少关于英语论辩的论文却多以中文辩论为模本进行英语翻版或以个 人臆想进行主观创造,缺乏一定的规范性与国际视野。20xx年5月。笔者曾以教练身份带队参加第十二届全亚大专英语辩论,同去的还有一支国内一流大学的辩 论队以及三支由全国英语演讲比赛的获奖选手组成的代表队。由于平时缺乏系统规范的英语论辩训练,比赛的结果自然是我们负多胜少。即使与同为EFL(英语作 为外国语)国家的泰国、韩国队较量,我们的选手也鲜有胜算。笔者不禁想:若干年后这些参赛的大学生也许就要代表各自国家,为捍卫各自民族的利益与尊严.在 各种外交场合宏辞论道。到那时,我们的胜算又会有多少呢? 忧虑之余,笔者不禁想起著名西方修辞学专家xxx教授关于我国外语教育的一段谈话:“我觉得就国家当前的发展而言,我们急需的是那种能使用外语应对和说服 并按照自己的意愿尽可能改变对方的看法和态度的人才。在任何领域,出于任何目的的对外交往.要想取得成效,都非有这种能手不可。”xxx教授的这番话一针见血 地指出了当下培养具有跨文化说服能力的英语论辩人才的紧迫性。 的确,我们的英语口语教学应该要转换一下思路了.传统视野中的英语口语教学一直将英语语音、语调的标准奉为口语优秀的首要前提。这一要求一方面使那些有地 方口音的英语爱好者对口语学习望而却步;另一方面也使一些人过于刻意地模仿洋腔洋调,却忽视了说话的内容,往往言之无物。缺乏敏锐深刻的思辨。于是,有报 道称.国内的一些博士生在参加国际学术会议的小组讨论时,往往只会简单的YES或NO的英文应对,满肚子的话语观点却无法言表。新时代与新形势要求我们的 高级口语教学能真正定位于有跨文化说服能力的人才培养上,而这种人才培养显然离不开高级口语阶段的英语论辩教学。因此.在当前国内英语论辩教学尚不规范的 情况下.将议会制英语辩论引入国内高级英语口语课堂无疑是非常必要的。


独特的辩题与创新思维的发展 议会制英语辩论的辩题(Motion)一般以一项议案的形式出现,因此在每个辫题中都会有“This house”的固定开头。这里的“This house”不一定就指某国家的政府或议会。在国际议会制英语辩论比赛中.由于参赛选手来自不同国家。有着不同的社会背景,因此这些比赛中的“This house”一般指当场比赛的所有听众以及裁判或想象中的联合国决议机构。这一点也正体现了国际场合的议会制英语辩论作为一种跨文化说服的文化现象与西方 议会辩论的区别。议会制英语辩论的辩题一般分为封闭式、半封闭式和开放式三种。其中.半封闭式与开放式辩题对培养辩手的创新思维能力颇有益处。 封闭式辩题不需要辩手将辩题定义缩小.可直接将其用作当场辩论的具体议题(Case);半封闭式指的是辩手可以对辩题的某些部分进行一定程度的定义与缩小;开放式辩题则要求辩手有更丰富的想象与更高的智慧,将辩题转化为一个巧妙的具体议题.

宣传英语辩论赛范文大全 第6篇

1. The third debater in cons asks.

2. The first debater in pros answers, then asks.

3. The first debater in cons answers,then asks.

4. The second debater in pros answers, then asks.

5. The second debater in cons answers, then asks.

6. The third debater in pros answers, then asks.

7. The third debater in cons answers.

( 30 seconds per people, all are 3 minutes)

宣传英语辩论赛范文大全 第7篇

Good evening, all the appraiser committee members. I come from HUST, majoring in foreign linguistics and applied linguistics. I am *** and my supervisor is prof.***. With her sincere and intellectual guidance, for nearly one whole year's hard work, I have finished my paper. Finally, it is the show time. This evening I will present my efforts to you all and I gratefully welcome any correction.

The title of my paper is A Study of the Causes of the Gothic Style

in from a Feminist Perspective. I choose this as my topic due to the following reasons. Firstly, I am fond of literature works , especially gothic literature works. Secondly, I am quite familiar with this short story as this is one of the texts in our intensive teaching course and I have taught this text for more than 3 times . Last but not the least ,as a female , I am keen on the study of feminism. For the above facts, I select the subject of as the title of my paper.

I hope by studying this short story we can know more about American southern women in certain history and culture and more importantly help women in modern society get a deeper understanding about ourselves ,help us raise our independence and confidence and show more concern for our mental health.

Next , I will present it to you. Here is an outline of my presentation. They are literature review, gothic tradition , the gothic style in the story and the causes of the gothic style .

This paper consists of six parts. Part one presents an introduction to the author William Faulkner and by pointing out the purpose and significance of this study. Part two is literature review which introduces the relevant research about this novel at home and abroad and then points out the theoretical basis and methods. Part three gives a timeline of the gothic tradition in literature and explains the main characteristics of gothic works. Part four explains the three aspects of the gothic style in the novel,that is, the death theme, grotesque characters and mystic atmosphere. Part five then explains in detail the causes of the gothic style in this novel: patriarchal oppression, the myth of southern ladyhood and Emily’s attitude towards love. Finally, in the conclusion, the author summarizes the previous parts and emphasizes the significance of the argument of the thesis again.

Ok, that's all. Now you may raise your questions ! I am ready! Thank you !!!

宣传英语辩论赛范文大全 第8篇

Good afternoon, all appraiser committee am xsj and my supervisor is zy. With his sincere and intellectual guidance, I have finished my is the show time. I will present my efforts to you and gratefully welcome any correction.

The title of my paper is Heavenly War and Earthly Conflict, an Insight into John Milton's Paradise Lost. I choose this as my topic due to the following reasons. Firstly, I am fond of literature works. Secondly, I am quite familiar with this story as one of texts in British and American literature Selections. Last but not least, I am keen on the study of human nature and the profound significance and instructions for us from John Milton. For the above facts, I select the Heavenly war and earthly conflict an insight into John Milton's Paradise Lost as the title of my paper.

I hope by studying this great poem we can know more about this Literature masterpiece,and I also want to show my own understanding about it.

Next, here is an outline of my presentation and I devide my paper into four parts. Part one presents an introduction of John Milton and Paradise Lost. Part two introduces the main contents of the book of Paradise Lost. Part three gives my own analysis of major characters in Paradise Lost. Part four draws some conclusions by my careful reading and thinking.

OK, that is all. Thank you. Now you may raise your questions. I am ready.

宣传英语辩论赛范文大全 第9篇

Good afternoon, all appraiser committee members. I’m Zhang Da and my supervisor is Professor Zhang Jingcai. With her constant encouragement and guidance, I have finished my paper. Now, it is the show time. I will present my efforts to you and welcome any correction.

The title of my paper is On the Significance of Drama Method in the Improvement of English Learning in Chinese Rural Junior High School. I choose this as my topic due to the following reasons. First of all, I really want to be a teacher, so during the four years, I have read many books about how to become a good teacher. Secondly, when I was a freshman in the summer of 2008, I was chosen as a teaching assistant of the summer camp which was organized by the New Oriental English School in Shijiazhuang. In the summer camp, I rewrote a script of an English drama to be one of the programs of the open ceremony. It was very popular among those students. They thought it was very interesting. In 2010, I was practiced as an English teacher at Chenguantun Middle School in Qinhuangdao, I found that the students have little interest towards English learning, so I hoped I could help them. So I use the Drama Method as my teaching method. Almost all of the students were highly motivated by the interesting teaching method and they have made great progress in the exam one month later. So the research proved that the Drama Method can be used as an effective teaching method. For the above facts, I select the subject of On the Significance of Drama Method in the Improvement of English Learning in Chinese Rural Junior High School as the title of my paper. I hope by studying this topic we can find an effective teaching method to help all the students’ English learning in junior high school.

Next, it is an outline of my paper. In the main part of this paper, I divide it into five parts.

Part one presents an introduction to identify the major problem of junior high school students’ English learning problems

Part two overviews all relevant researches in drama application in teaching oral English.

Part three is the research design, the research hypothesis, the subjects of the research, the research methods and the research procedures are conducted.

Part four is the findings from research data. After analyzing the data with Excel 2007, pedagogical findings and implications are delivered before the conclusion of the thesis.

Part five draws some conclusions about the research. As what has been shown in the research, there are a lot of benefits from drama performance; the Drama Method can be used as an effective teaching method. In addition, there are some suggestions for forthcoming researches.

OK! That is all. Thank you! Please ask questions.

宣传英语辩论赛范文大全 第10篇

议会制英语辩论的比赛规则因国家、地域不同而发生相应的变化,但其“论证一个问题的必要性与可行性”的核心内涵不会改变。因此,上文提到的英式、美式以及 全亚模式间的区别也更多体现在人数安排以及个别环节的细微差别上。其中。美式议会制英语辩论因其规则程序上的简单明了而成为议会制英语辩论初学者的入门模 式。下面,笔者就以美式议会制英语辩论为例,简要介绍一下其流程、规则与特点。 标准的美式议会制英语辩论一般有正反两支队参加,每一方各两人。另外,还有一个主持人(Speaker/Moderator)以及评委与听众。在议会制英 语辩论的想象空间里,以上所述的这些人就构成了就一项国家大事进行讨论与论辩的议会。正方队伍就是想象中的政府方,其职责在于提出当天要讨论的具体议题 (Case)。并由一辩就该议题的必要性以及可行性展开框架式的论述。时间7分钟;正方二辩则负责在反方一辩xxx结束后对反方观点进行批驳,并花主要精力 为本方一辩的框架式论述提供具体详实的实证性辩护。时间8分钟。相对地,反方一辩则要就正方一辩所提出的必要性以及可行性进行驳斥。并提出本方观点的框架 式论述,时间8分钟。反方二辩则也要像正方二辩那样负责批驳对手观点并进一步具体论证本方一辩的框架式论述,时间8分钟。在以上四轮发言中。议会制英语辩 论还设定了颇具挑战性的“质询申辩”(PoI)。即。在每轮演讲的一分钟以后及最后一分种之前,相对方都可以针对发言者的陈述提出即时性的问题或申 辩,时间限在15秒以内。四轮发言结束后,由反方(通常为一辩)开始4分钟的批驳性总结xxx。而正方(也通常为一辩)则在其发言结束后进行s分钟的总结陈 述。在这两个总结期间。不允许对方提任何POI。

宣传英语辩论赛范文大全 第11篇


开场白(英):Ladies and Gentlemen, Good afternoon! Welcome to “辩论赛题目”English Debating Competition we hold here today. Here you can release your energy, here is the collision of the wisdom, here is the fierce competition. Here, no failure, but only the heroes ……In a word, thank you all for your coming. Firstly, I’d like to make a brief introduction to myself, I’m Ma Chaodong, and I have the great privilege to present today’s chairman

for this debate , Boys and girls, let us welcome our contestants and our judges with our

enthusiastic applause.

Those from team A are XXX, XXX, XXX, and XXX, their opinion is “观点”

Those from team B are XXX, XXX, XXX, and XXX, their opinion is “观点”

Next, welcome timekeepers of both sides raise hands to give a sign.

Our judge is XXX,XXX.....

Ok, as everybody is ready now, here starts the debate.







英:(a) Opening statement part (立论环节) In this part, the first debaters of two sides state their view one by one. This Time is for 3 minutes.

Firstly, please welcome the first debater of team A Thanks to the wonderful statement of人名, next,please welcome the first debater

team B。


(B) Attack debate part (驳立论环节) 人名from

英:Now, let us welcome the second debater of team A to refute the argument of the team B , the time is for 2 minutes.

Next let us invite the second debater of team B to refute the argument of the team A , the time is for 2 minutes.


ose the first or second

or fourth debater from team B to have a dabate, the time is for 90 seconds.

Next let us invite the third debater of team B to choose the first or

second or fourth debater from team B to have a dabate, the time is for 90 seconds.


英:Next the two sides is going to have a summary abo:Next let us invite the third debater of team A to cho

ut the attack defense links.

Finally, let’s invite the first debater of team A to have a summary, the time is for 2 minutes. Much thanks to 人名from

人team 名A; Next, let’s invite the first debater

of team B, the time is also for 2 minutes.

汉:最后,请双方一辩总结称述,计时2分钟。。。。 感谢来自A组的XXX,接下来,请B组的XXX进行总结称述,计时2分钟

(C) Free debate part (自由辩论环节)

英:In this part, both debaters could take part in the debate, the time for each team is 5 minutes. Let’s begin with team A 。。。。


(D) Last sum-up part (结辩环节)

英In this part, the forth debaters of both sides will have a summary. Time for each team is 4 minutes.


宣传英语辩论赛范文大全 第12篇

Good morning,

Distinguished professors and teachers, ladies and gentlemen, thank you for attending the oral defense. (或Welcome to attend the oral defense.) :

I am XX. First and foremost, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my supervisor, professorXX, for his intellectual guidance, invaluable instructions and comments on my thesis. It is with his valuable assistance that I have finally accomplished this thesis.

My topic is On the tragedy figures at historical turning points(Comparison of KongYiji and Rip Van )The whole thesis consists of 6 parts. The first part will give a brief introduction of the negative, evasive and conservative attitudes of Kong and Rip as well as the topic’s significance in the real society. And the second part is going to analyze the figures’ background to show the historical necessity of the tragedies. In the third part, the tragic heroes’ failing in the character according to their living environment will be further discussed and the fourth part is to talk about their different tendency of dispositions and behaviors in the society. Then the author will dig into the root causes of the tragedies in the fifth part, and sum up the whole paper to reveal the ideological weak points of the two countries separately in the last part.

Thank you!

宣传英语辩论赛范文大全 第13篇















宣传英语辩论赛范文大全 第14篇












第一分钟结束时--举牌提示,第四分钟结束时--举牌提示,第五分钟结束时---举牌提示 注意事项:


2、在前1-4环节中,对方可以根据发言者正在申诉的论点提出本方的观点(point of information,简称为POI)提问者提出POI的注意事项: 1)POI要简短,切题,机智。严禁针对比赛规则和个人提出问题;

2)提出POI时要从座位上起立,并举手示意.提问者可以用类似on that point,Sir/Madam的话引起发言者的注意;


宣传英语辩论赛范文大全 第15篇


关于高级英语口语教学,国内近来有不少教学论文都不同程度地谈及英语论辩教学。然而,其中不少关于英语论辩的论文却多以中文辩论为模本进行英语翻版或以个 人臆想进行主观创造,缺乏一定的规范性与国际视野。20xx年5月。笔者曾以教练身份带队参加第十二届全亚大专英语辩论,同去的还有一支国内一流大学的辩 论队以及三支由全国英语演讲比赛的获奖选手组成的代表队。由于平时缺乏系统规范的英语论辩训练,比赛的结果自然是我们负多胜少。即使与同为EFL(英语作 为外国语)国家的泰国、韩国队较量,我们的选手也鲜有胜算。笔者不禁想:若干年后这些参赛的大学生也许就要代表各自国家,为捍卫各自民族的利益与尊严。在 各种外交场合宏辞论道。到那时,我们的胜算又会有多少呢? 忧虑之余,笔者不禁想起著名西方修辞学专家xxx教授关于我国外语教育的一段谈话:“我觉得就国家当前的发展而言,我们急需的是那种能使用外语应对和说服 并按照自己的意愿尽可能改变对方的看法和态度的人才。在任何领域,出于任何目的.的对外交往。要想取得成效,都非有这种能手不可。”xxx教授的这番话一针见血 地指出了当下培养具有跨文化说服能力的英语论辩人才的紧迫性。 的确,我们的英语口语教学应该要转换一下思路了。传统视野中的英语口语教学一直将英语语音、语调的标准奉为口语优秀的首要前提。这一要求一方面使那些有地 方口音的英语爱好者对口语学习望而却步;另一方面也使一些人过于刻意地模仿洋腔洋调,却忽视了说话的内容,往往言之无物。缺乏敏锐深刻的思辨。于是,有报 道称。国内的一些博士生在参加国际学术会议的小组讨论时,往往只会简单的YES或NO的英文应对,满肚子的话语观点却无法言表。与新形势要求我们的 高级口语教学能真正定位于有跨文化说服能力的人才培养上,而这种人才培养显然离不开高级口语阶段的英语论辩教学。因此。在当前国内英语论辩教学尚不规范的 情况下。将议会制英语辩论引入国内高级英语口语课堂无疑是非常必要的。


独特的辩题与创新思维的发展 议会制英语辩论的辩题(Motion)一般以一项议案的形式出现,因此在每个辫题中都会有“This house”的固定开头。这里的“This house”不一定就指某国家的政府或议会。在国际议会制英语辩论比赛中。由于参赛选手来自不同国家。有着不同的社会背景,因此这些比赛中的“This house”一般指当场比赛的所有听众以及裁判或想象中的联合国决议机构。这一点也正体现了国际场合的议会制英语辩论作为一种跨文化说服的文化现象与西方 议会辩论的区别。议会制英语辩论的辩题一般分为封闭式、半封闭式和开放式三种。其中。半封闭式与开放式辩题对培养辩手的创新思维能力颇有益处。 封闭式辩题不需要辩手将辩题定义缩小。可直接将其用作当场辩论的具体议题(Case);半封闭式指的是辩手可以对辩题的某些部分进行一定程度的定义与缩小;开放式辩题则要求辩手有更丰富的想象与更高的智慧,将辩题转化为一个巧妙的具体议题。

宣传英语辩论赛范文大全 第16篇








宣传英语辩论赛范文大全 第17篇











宣传英语辩论赛范文大全 第18篇

请大家保持现场安静,我们的辩论赛就要开始了。 (安静下来)




(一)开场陈述阶段下面请正方一辩发言,时间2分30秒[示意正方一辩发言] [发言完再说]下面请反方一辩发言,时间2分30秒



攻辩规则:①质询者控制质询时间,可以提出与题目有关的合理而清晰的问题,并可以随时停止答辩者之回答。 ②攻辩时间内,质询者应询问问题,不得自行申论或就质询所获之结果进行引申,否则视为违规。质询者自行申论或引申发言时,答辩者有权要求其停止。 ③答辩者应回答质询者所提之任何问题,但问题明显不合理时,答辩者得说明理由,拒绝回答。 ④答辩者可以要求质询者重述其质询,但不得恶意为之,否则视为违规。 ⑤答辩者不得对质询者提出询问,否则视为违规。 ⑥答辩者提出反质询时,质询者得要求其停止,并拒绝回答


1、反方累计用时4分钟2、正方累计用时4分钟自由辩论规则:①自由辩论时间总共为8分钟,每队各4分钟。 ②自由辩论必须交替进行。当自由辩论开始时,先由反方任何一名队员起立发言。完毕后,正方的任何一位队员应立即发言,双方依次轮流发言,直到双方时间用完为止。 ③在自由辩论时间里,每一位辩手的发言次序、次数和时间均不受限制。 ④当一队的发言时间剩30秒钟时,将有一声哨声提示,当该队的发言时间用完时,会有两声哨声提示,该队应立即停止发言。 ⑤如果一队的发言时间已经用尽,不能发言,另一队还有剩余时间,则该队的辩手可以继续发言,直到该队的时间用完为止。 ⑥自由辩论是检验一个队整体配合能力以及每一位辩手实力的重要阶段。辩手应充分利用这段时间,简洁明了地加强自己的论点,机智有力地反驳对方的论点,如果只是空洞无物的攻击或有意回避对方的质询及发言观点,或者出现语误、空场等情形,都将影响该队的成绩。

(四) 总结陈述阶段









宣传英语辩论赛范文大全 第19篇





















宣传英语辩论赛范文大全 第20篇

1 .Good morning,ladies and gentlemen. We are at our class debate

..I’m ..my partner is… we’re honoured to be the chairpersons of this youyou’re your participating.

2. Today,we’ll be witnessing a brilliant debate

The competition is divided into five rounds,before each round begings,I will briefly introduce the competition our debaters need to listen carefully.

1 Now let’s meet the two teams and their debaters. On my right are 4 debaters representing the Student-centre,they are ……………………………………..

We welcome the four debaters.

2 Likewise,we’d like to welcome the opposite on my left. The 4 debaters represent the are ……………………………….

Welcome the eight debaters.

1. Now that we’ve met the me introduce the four judges for are ………………….

2. 这个地方适当的加一些话,关于主题的。Whose argument is more persuasive,we’ll soon find out.

1. I now declare open the Debate. We’ll begin with the first round-presenting of arguments. In this round, both teams can send any debater to establish its ’ll start with the student-centre,if you please.

2. Thank for your opening ’s listen to how the teather-center make their you please.

1. Thank you. Now that we’ve listened to the exciting opening arguments from both sides,we’ll move into the next round-free debate and rebuttal.

2. In this round,one of the 3 remaining debaters who did not speak ealier will presenting debater can rebut their opponent’s views and also further develop their own.

1. We’ll start with the student -centre,if you please.

2. Thank you, student –’s now hear the teather-centre’s arguments and rebuttal.

1. Thank that round of sparring,both teams have received some blows. We now move into the cross-examination round.

2. This round is divided in two. First,one of the student-centre’s members who has not presented will cross-examine two of the 2 remaining teather-centre’s members who have not the teather-centre’s can only answer questions,and not ask any.

1. Let’s hear from the student –centre.

2. Let’s now invite the teather-centre to start the next round of cross-examination.

1. Now we have the second round of student-centre will begin. The remaining debater who has not presented till now will cross-examine the two teather-centre’s speakers who were not cross-examined ealier.

2. The teather-centre will now start the next round of cross- you please.

1. Both teams’ exciting cross- examinations have treated us to the robust. We now move into the 4th round of free every competition, this is the most-watched and most exciting round.

2. There is no limit to the number of times debaters can speak,nor the order in which they ’s invite the student-centre to start.

1. This round is quite exciting,but our debaters cannot conclusion round is also important.

2. In this round ,the speaker has to be one of those who did the cross-examination ealier. This time we’ll start with the teather –centre.

1. Thank you. Let us now hear the student –centre’s conclusion

2. Both teams’conclusion bring today’s competition to a close. Let’s leave the judges to do their work now.

1. Our judges have made their we announce that,I’d like to invite Mrs critique the teams’ performance today. Mrs wang,please.

2. Now the judges will give their result.

宣传英语辩论赛范文大全 第21篇

1 请观众们安静一下,比赛马上开始。

2 各位老师同学,大家晚上好。

欢迎来到人文学院“新生杯”辩论赛的比赛现场。我是主持人xxx璐。。 3 首先请允许我来介绍今晚到场的各位评委及嘉宾。



4 下面介绍一下今天的辩题,今天的辩题是 xxxx ,看大屏幕,了解一下相关链接。

5 接下来请两支代表队入场。请允许我介绍一下今天的两只代表队,在我右手边的是正方代表队,分别是来自。。。。。在我左手边的是反方xxxx代表队。分别是来自。。。。。。 正方xxxx代表队的观点是 xxxxxx ,反方xxxxx代表队所持的观点是 xxxxx 。

7 在比赛开始之前,对辩手提出以下几点,










8 下面我宣布人文学院“新生杯”辩论赛第一场比赛,现在开始!


1 首先进入xxx阶段,当时间剩余30秒时有提示,时间用尽时也有提示,此时必须终止发言,请双方辩手注意




2.下面进入攻辩阶段。就请正方二辩选择反方二辩或三辩进行一对一攻辩(1分30秒)。 感谢正方二辩,下面请反方二辩选择正方二辩或三辩进行一对一攻辩(1分30秒)。 正方三辩选择反方二辩或三辩进行一对一攻辩(1分30 秒)



3. 下面就将进入大家期待已久的自由辩论阶段,也是整场比赛最能展示辩手风采的时候。再次提醒一下在场的观众不要因比赛的精彩而不时的鼓掌,以免影响辩手的发挥。 下面说一下规则。


4 刚才的自由辩论双方针锋相对,真的是非常精彩,但四辩的总结也往往起着举足轻重的作用。那么在四辩总结xxx之前,有情评委向我们的选手提问。

下面进入总结xxx阶段,时间剩余30秒时有提示,时间用尽时也有提示,此时必须终止发言。 先请反方四辩就全场比赛作总结xxx。时间为4分钟,有请反方四辩。


5 好,谢谢正方四辩。非常感谢8位辩手的精彩表现。那么本场比赛的结果究竟怎样,让我们把最后的裁判权交给评委,请各位评委为正反双方和各位辩手打分。

7 谢谢 老师的点评。



最佳辩手是 方 辩

正方 xxx代表队最终得分 分

反方 xxx代表队最终得分 分

获胜方为 方

下面有请 xxxx 老师给最佳辩手发奖。

下面有请 xxxx 老师给获胜队颁奖。


8 xxxxx辩论赛 赛第 场比赛到此结束,希望大家能够等评委及嘉宾退席后再退场,非常感谢大家的合作。我们下场比赛再见。

宣传英语辩论赛范文大全 第22篇

Good evening, all the appraiser committee members. I come from HUST, majoring in foreign linguistics and applied linguistics. With her sincere and intellectual guidance, for nearly one whole year's hard work, I have finished my paper. Finally, it is the show time. This evening I will present my efforts to you all and I gratefully welcome any correction.

The title of my paper is A Study of the Causes of the Gothic Style

in from a Feminist Perspective. I choose this as my topic due to the following reasons. Firstly, I am fond of literature works , especially gothic literature works. Secondly, I am quite familiar with this short story as this is one of the texts in our intensive teaching course and I have taught this text for more than 3 times . Last but not the least ,as a female , I am keen on the study of feminism. For the above facts, I select the subject of as the title of my paper.

I hope by studying this short story we can know more about American southern women in certain history and culture and more importantly help women in modern society get a deeper understanding about ourselves ,help us raise our independence and confidence and show more concern for our mental health.

Next , I will present it to you. Here is an outline of my presentation. They are literature review, gothic tradition , the gothic style in the story and the causes of the gothic style .

This paper consists of six parts. Part one presents an introduction to the author William Faulkner and by pointing out the purpose and significance of this study. Part two is literature review which introduces the relevant research about this novel at home and abroad and then points out the theoretical basis and methods. Part three gives a timeline of the gothic tradition in literature and explains the main characteristics of gothic works. Part four explains the three aspects of the gothic style in the novel,that is, the death theme, grotesque characters and mystic atmosphere. Part five then explains in detail the causes of the gothic style in this novel: patriarchal oppression, the myth of southern ladyhood and Emily’s attitude towards love. Finally, in the conclusion, the author summarizes the previous parts and emphasizes the significance of the argument of the thesis again.

Ok, that's all. Now you may raise your questions ! I am ready! Thank you !!!

宣传英语辩论赛范文大全 第23篇


今天,议会制英语辩论已发展成为世界范围内大学校际英语辩论赛的主要形式。其赛制与规则也因地域文化的差异而发生些许变化。现存的几大形式主要有:英式辩 xxx、美式辩论、全亚模式辩论。

其中。英式辩论有四支队参加,正反方各两支队。每支队2人;美式辩论则只有两支队。每队2人;全亚模式则有6人参加,每队 3人。议会制英语辩论在发展初期主要在英美等国大学的校际比赛中进行。它在亚洲国家的起步较晚,具有历史意义的第一届全亚大专英语辩论赛1994年才在新加坡南洋理工大学成功举行。然而。这个名日“全亚大专英语辩论”的比赛当时只是新加坡、马来西亚、泰国、菲律宾等东南亚国家问的比赛。中国、日本、韩国 等东北亚国家则未见其踪。直到20xx年5月。随着第25届世界大专英语辩论赛在马来西亚的成功举行,议会制英语辩论才真正成为一项在亚、非、美、澳、 xxx普及的国际赛事。

宣传英语辩论赛范文大全 第24篇














宣传英语辩论赛范文大全 第25篇





























宣传英语辩论赛范文大全 第26篇



In recent years, more and more advertisements have been flooding into our lives. Some advertisements exert negative effects on the youth. Therefore some people suggest that advertisements be banned. Do you agree or disagree with this? Give your reasons.

Along with the rapid progreof society, the advertising industry has undergone remarkable development. Every day we are surrounded by all kinds of ads and commercials, which have a profound influence on our daily lives. As a result, there arises a fierce debate concerning the proposal that we should ban all kinds of advertisements.

On one hand, some people are in favor of the idea that advertisement should not be banned; instead it should be further developed. They are of the opinion that advertisement is a good channel which helps promote the exchanges of information. In an era of information, everyone can benefit a lot from the advertisements, not only the manufacturers but the customers. Moreover, the advertisement enables people to catch up with the amazing advance in all fields. From the mushrooming advertisements, people get to know some newest products and the trend of consumption. Thirdly, advertising, to some extent, is not only an industry but an art. Many advertisements are elaborate works of art full of ingenuity and originality, which render great spiritual pleasure to the viewers and add to the picturesque cityscape. In a word, the advertisement is a blessing for modern people.

Despite the benefits advertisement has brought us, many people strongly condemn it, saying that they have been fed up with all kinds of rubbish ads. They call for a comprehensive ban on the advertisement based on the following reasons. First of all, a majority of advertisements are fictitious and misleading, causing confusion in people’s daily life and even leading to the injury and death of some customers. Secondly, they bring many inconveniences and troubles to us. For example, are you pleased with a mailbox stuffed with unwanted ads or a wonderful film on TV being interrupted frequently? Furthermore, the non-standard use of language in advertisement brings about irreparable damage to the integrity and purity of our language. Consequently, it will exert a disastrous impact on the literacy of our younger generations. In some people’s eyes, the advertisement is just a Genie out of the bottle.

To be frank, it is quite impossible for people to reach an absolute consensus on most controversial issues. To my mind, a total ban on advertisement is not an ideal and practical choice. How can we imagine all advertisements vanishing overnight? The demerits should by no means make us lose sight of the benefits advertisements have brought to us. A more workable and rational attitude should be adopted; that is, to eliminate the false and retain the true. Always bear in mind the old saying:“never throw away the baby with bath water.”

宣传英语辩论赛范文大全 第27篇


good evening, ladies and gentlemen. good evening, boys and place will be your stage to show your strong ability in debating and we are your hosts.

judge introduction:

firstly, i have the great privilege of presenting today's judges for this debate contest. ladies and gentlemen, let’s welcome mr. from...

rule introduction:

now i would like to introduce the rules for this contest. , contest will be divided into two parts, group of english major, and group of other majors. , each group will be given 8 minutes, including 1 minute for stating the two debaters’ own opinion, 4 minutes for free debate,and 1 minute for their the last sum-up. , at the end of the contest, we will choose five contestants including 2 english major contestants and 3 from other majors.

up to now, i think all of you have known the rules very well. and then each group will begin your debate according the order and the topic you have got.

so first, lets welcome group one…


their views all sound very nice, right? and i think you all have been well-prepared to defeat the other side.

all the contestants have shown great debating ability in today's fierce competition. i'm sure we're all deeply impressed by the intelligent debaters. thanks for your hard work and let's give ourselves a big round of applause.

now it's time for the result. which contestants will win this wonderful debate? and who will be the best debater today? i am sure it is going to be very close. and i think all contestants need to be congratulated for their outstanding efforts.

宣传英语辩论赛范文大全 第28篇




PoI的提出要严格限定在15秒内。在前四轮xxx的保护时段(第一秒及最后一秒)以及总 结阶段都禁止PoI的提出。

宣传英语辩论赛范文大全 第29篇

Good morning, all appraises committee members. I am XXX and my supervisor is XXX.

With his constant encouragement and guidance, I have finished my paper.

Now it is the show time. I will present my efforts to you and welcome any correction.

The title of my paper is Comparative Study between English and Chinese idioms.

With the developing globalization, communication demand precise language.

Idioms are not a separate part of the language, we cannot omit. Studying the similarities and differences between English and Chinese idioms would be helpful to cross-cultural understanding and it’s also a good advance to our future if we can learn well.

For the above facts, I select the subject of “comparative study between English and Chinese idioms” as the title of my paper.

In the main part of this paper, I divide it four parts.

Part one presents general introduction to the basic concept and the studying purpose.

Part two presents overview of the Chinese and English idioms; it concludes similar origins and similar functions. Part three emphasize differences between English and Chinese idioms.

Through contrast analysis of well-known Chinese and English language, found the differences cultural discrepancy and the translation of animal words. Part four draws some conclusions that characteristics of English and Chinese idioms. And it is helpful to cross-culture .It’s necessary for a better understanding of international promotional communication. OK, that’s all. Thank you.