优秀论文英文摘要范文 第1篇
优秀论文英文摘要范文 第2篇
The accomplishment of this thesis has covered half a year,s experiment and another halfa year's analysis. It can not be denied that whole process is quite tough. Despite all theproblems during research and limitations, the thesis finally comes into being. However, thiscan not be achieved without the help of many people.
First and foremost, I would like to give my sincere gratitude to my distinguished andrespectable supervisor, Prof. Qi Yuanfang, for his all-along supports during not only theresearch process, but the whole post-graduate year. He is the one who gives me inspiration ofthe thesis topic, enlightens me empirical method helps me conduct teaching experiment, andinstructs me analyzing approaches. I have to say that this thesis is born from his and warm encouragement.
Secondly, I also own my appreciation to Prof, Gongrong who gives me a lot ofinspiration, insightful advice and instructions.
And also, this thesis can not be accomplished without teachers of Foreign LanguagesSchool who impart knowledge to me and classmates who offer me help.
Last but not least, I would like to extend my thanks to the students participating in thisresearch for their patient corporation.
优秀论文英文摘要范文 第3篇
seems like we need to do some copy plus translation work.the differences in manners and customs between Chinese and western cultures.The old saying: “When in Rome, do as the Romans” is not sufficient for bridging the communication gap and cultural differences between China and the western is considered _mannerly_ is highly susceptible to change with time, geographical location, social stratum, occasion, and other factors. When exploring the differences in communication manners and customs, we set them mainly into three parts: manner and culture; communication manner and table manner. Considering the roots of these differents, histirical and regional causes might took the significant places. Therefore, a cross culture environment and a cross culture mind do lead to the better understanding in today's communication.done. run your spell check please. I didn't pay any attention about spelling and the numbers of words while typing. add some words of your major couses.good luck and best wishes.
优秀论文英文摘要范文 第4篇
优秀论文英文摘要范文 第5篇
1. 题名常见句型
Research of ...(对于XXX的研究);
Study on...(基于XXX的研究);
Design of...(关于XXX的设计);
Research and Application of...(XXX的研究与运用)
2. 基本要求为
论文标题的英译必须准确到位,避免漏译;简洁:没有实际内容的汉语字词可不必译出(如:关于乔治斯坦纳阐释学四步骤的研究,可不将“关于”翻译出来,直接翻译成“Research of/ Study on...”即可。);
格式:标题中所有实词的首字母大写,虚词等小写,五个字以上的虚词的首字母(如before, between等)大写。
1. 摘要: Abstract(第一行居中)
2. 语言结构:
一般为被动语态(The research is consisted with five parts...“本论文包括五个部分”。);
一般来说,目的用将来时(The purpose of the research is to...)
方法和结果用过去时(The research method was.../It was showed that...)
结论用一般现在时(The research shows that...)。
步骤三:关键词Key words
例: 关键词:归化法;异化法;教学方法;翻译过程
Key words: domestication, foreignization, teaching approach, translation process
应尽量减少What’s more这些口语化说法,可用Futhermore, 甚至根本不用这些,而是一环套一环把意思表述清楚。
另外一些用词或者词组,如Try to,其实也是比较口语化的。
我以前用这个词,老师都给改成seek to.最好不用etc. 这样的说法,因为显得好像比较马虎,不如说Include such … as…虽然意思差不多,但是后者给人印象是严谨一些。
I ask a question;而“人民内部的矛盾问题”中的“问题”一词,则无具体含义,不必译出,只需译成contradictions among the people。
这种无具体含义的词,人们称之为“范畴词”(category words)。
例1 论公关工作在全面质量管理中的作用
Function of Public Relations in Total Quality
“公关工作”等于“公关”(公共关系),故“工作”不必译出,只译成public relation即可。
例2 关于建筑产品质量问题的法律思考
A Consideration from the Angle of Law on the Quality of Building
Products.(比较:“关键的问题”译成a key problem)本例中“产品质量问题”即“产品质量”,故“问题”一词无需译出。
例3 论劳动力市场需求约束条件下的经济模式
The Economic Model Restrained by Market Demands of Labour Force.
“⋯ ⋯ 需求约束条件下的⋯⋯模式”等于“⋯ ⋯ 需求约束下的⋯ ⋯ 模式”,故“条件”一词 未译。
(比较:“自然条件”译成natural conditions)
优秀论文英文摘要范文 第6篇
【题目】依法进行拆迁 建设和谐城市
优秀论文英文摘要范文 第7篇
On Cultural Gaps and Untranslatability in Chinese Version of The Life and Strange Surprizing Adventures of Robinson
Crusoe from Perspective of Functionalism
This thesis is an attempt to apply functionalism to literary translation and prove its feasibility by analyzing the untranslatability of the Adventures of Robinson Crusoe causing by cultural gaps.
Functionalism is a broad term for various theories that approach translation by focusing on the function or functions of texts and translations.
And the four important representatives of functionalism are Katharina Reiss, Hans J.
Vermeer, Justa Holz-Mnttri and Christiane Nord.
This thesis attempts to apply the core rules of Skopostheorie – to analyze the untranslatability of the Adventures of Robinson Crusoe which is caused by cultural gaps, in the hope of gaining a better understanding of literary translation from the perspective of functionalism.
This paper is composed of four chapters.
The first one is introduction.
Chapter 2 introduces the German Functionalism and translation theories including a brief introduction to the Adventures of Robinson Crusoe and the author Defoe.
Chapter 3 goes over the application of the main translation theory Skopostheorie in analyzing the untranslatability of the Adventures of Robinson Crusoe causing by cultural gaps with analyzing the culture factor in translation.
Besides, this chapter also analyses the limitations of Skopostheorie.
In chapter 4, the final conclusion is that functionalism is also applicable to literary translation and can provide a different perspective in solving the untranslatability causing by cultural gaps.
Key Words: functionalism; skopostheorie; untranslatability; culture gaps; The Adventures of Robinson Crusoe
摘 要
优秀论文英文摘要范文 第8篇
【摘要】 价格促销作为营销组合中的重要一环,必然会对品牌权益产生深刻的影响。
优秀论文英文摘要范文 第9篇
优秀论文英文摘要范文 第10篇
根据内容的不同, 摘要可分为以下三大类: 报道性摘要、指示性摘要和报道-指示性摘要.
(1) 报道性摘要: 其特点是全面、简要地概括论文的目的、方法、主要数据和结论.
通常, 这种摘要可以部分地取代阅读全文.
(2) 指示性摘要:一般只用二三句话概括论文的主题, 而不涉及论据和结论, 多用于综述、会议报告等.
(3) 报道-指示性摘要: 以报道性摘要的形式表述一次文献中的信息价值较高的部分, 以指示性摘要的形式表述其余部分.
(1)目的: 研究的目的、范围、重要性;
(2)方法: 采用的手段和方法;
(3)结果: 完成了哪些工作取得的数据和结果,;
(4)结论: 得出的重要结论及主要观点,论文的新见解。
(1) 摘要中应排除本学科领域已成为常识的内容;切忌把应在引言中出现的内容写入摘要,一般也不要对论文内容做诠释和评论(尤其是自我评价)。
优秀论文英文摘要范文 第11篇
根据内容的不同, 摘要可分为以下三大类: 报道性摘要、指示性摘要和报道-指示性摘要
(1) 报道性摘要: 也常称作信息性摘要或资料性摘要, 其特点是全面、简要地概括论文的目的、方法、主要数据和结论. 通常, 这种摘要可以部分地取代阅读全文.
(2) 指示性摘要: 也常称为说明性摘要、描述性摘要或论点摘要, 一般只用二三句话概括论文的主题, 而不涉及论据和结论, 多用于综述、会议报告等. 该类摘要可用于帮助潜在的读者来决定是否需要阅读全文.
(3) 报道-指示性摘要: 以报道性摘要的形式表述一次文献中的信息价值较高的部分, 以指示性摘要的形式表述其余部分.
优秀论文英文摘要范文 第12篇
1) 应排除本学科领域已成为常识的内容;切忌把应在引言中出现的内容写入摘要;一般也不要对论文内容作诠释和评论(尤其是自我评价)。
2) 不得简单重复题名中已有的信息。比如一篇文章的题名是《几种中国兰种子试管培养根状茎发生的研究》,摘要的开头就不要再写:“为了……,对几种中国兰种子试管培养根状茎的发生进行了研究”。
3) 结构严谨,表达简明,语义确切。摘要先写什么,后写什么,要按逻辑顺序来安排。句子之间要上下连贯,互相呼应。
5) 要使用规范化的名词术语,不用非公知公用的符号和术语。新术语或尚无合适汉文术语的,可用原文或译出后加括号注明原文。
6) 除了实在无法变通以外,一般不用数学公式和化学结构式,不出现插图、表格。
7) 不用引文,除非该文献证实或否定了他人已出版的著作。
8) 缩略语、略称、代号,除了相邻专业的读者也能清楚理解的以外,在首次出现时必须加以说明。目前摘要编写中的主要问题有:要素不全,或缺目的,或缺方法;出现引文,无独立性与自明性;繁简失当。
优秀论文英文摘要范文 第13篇
论文题目:On Cultural Gaps and Untranslatability in Chinese Version of The Life and Strange Surprizing Adventures of Robinson Crusoe from Perspective of Functionalism
Abstract:This thesis is an attempt to apply functionalism to literary translation and prove its feasibility by analyzing the untranslatability of the Adventures of Robinson Crusoe causing by cultural gaps. Functionalism is a broad term for various theories that approach translation by focusing on the function or functions of texts and translations. And the four important representatives of functionalism are Katharina Reiss, Hans J. Vermeer, Justa Holz-Mnttri and Christiane Nord. This thesis attempts to apply the core rules of Skopostheorie –?to analyze the untranslatability of the Adventures of Robinson Crusoe which is caused by cultural gaps, in the hope of gaining a better understanding of literary translation from the perspective of functionalism.
This paper is composed of four chapters. The first one is introduction. Chapter 2 introduces the German Functionalism and translation theories including a brief introduction to the Adventures of Robinson Crusoe and the author Defoe. Chapter 3 goes over the application of the main translation theory Skopostheorie in analyzing the untranslatability of the Adventures of Robinson Crusoe causing by cultural gaps with analyzing the culture factor in translation. Besides, this chapter also analyses the limitations of Skopostheorie. In chapter 4, the final conclusion is that functionalism is also applicable to literary translation and can provide a different perspective in solving the untranslatability causing by cultural gaps.
Key Words: functionalism; skopostheorie; untranslatability; culture gaps; The Adventures of Robinson Crusoe
优秀论文英文摘要范文 第14篇
The present study, which is based on the Competing Values Framework (. CVF:a framework to identify the organizational effectiveness and to define ), aims to investigate English teachers, teaching motivation at universities, theirperception of the organizational culture in the target university,their and how they affect each other. The research questions to be addressed are asfollows: (1) How do the English teachers perceive the organizational culture at theirworkplace (2) How much effort will the teachers pay for their and aspiration (3) What kinds of motivation do the English teachers in thetarget university appear to have (4) How will the organizational culture and theprevious experience affect teachers motivation
This study employed four different questionnaires as the research instruments,including one demographic questionnaire and three research questionnaires, . thedemographic questionnaire, the Organizational Culture Assessment Instrument (. theOCAI) (Cameron Quinn, 1999),the Professional Engagement and CareerDevelopment Aspiration-scale (. the PECDA- scale) (Watt Richardson, 20__b),andthe Work Tasks Motivation Scale for Teachers Teaching (. the WTMST) (Fernet et al.,20__),to investigate the above mentioned research questions. The whole investigationtook roughly 12 weeks and involved three stages: the preparation stage,the pilot study,and the main study.
The findings of the present study show that most of the teachers are and with identified regulation influenced by the performance culture and theclan culture which are the dominant culture types of the target research site. Results alsoindicate that the overseas experience and length of teaching experience affect teachersperception of tixe organizational culture and motivation. The participants who haveoverseas experience tend to be more with the sense of professionalism, moreintrinsically motivated and be more confident with their competence in the academicarea; and the ones who have longer years of teaching experience are with moreidentified regulation and introjected motivation
and are more committed and moreassured of staying in the education field. The participants in the target universitybasically belong to the highly engaged persisters,and the male teachers expect to be theleadership.
优秀论文英文摘要范文 第15篇
Titanium ore, elected from magnetite or Titan magnetite, is widely used as the raw material in the production of titanium dioxide. Titanium quality and its yield constraints is often the bottle neck in the titanium industry.
Thus, we can not blindly consume a large amount of capital to maintain or improve its quality and yield. This paper makes an attempt to explores and optimize the development of the titanium industry, through inside and outside observation and association. In this paper, flotation tests are conducted to compare the original pulp titanium ore with Polyacrylamide and that without on the concentrate grade yield of titanium concentrates.
In this process, the consumption of drugs, the recovery rate of , equipment utilization, the amount and cost of polyacrylamide (PAM) are all considered to determine whether it is a ptimization program to add Polyacrylamide to the original flotation pulp of titanium ore.
Finally, we reach a conclusion through relevant data .In the experimental process, in principle,
we do not change the original flotation process and the relevant parameters.
Key words: Titanium ore; Flotation; Polyacrylamide; quality; yield
优秀论文英文摘要范文 第16篇
First and foremost, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to mysupervisor, Professor Jia Aiwu. I have benefited tremendously from her criticalthinking and insightful viewpoint. Through his patient instruction,I finally focusedon the object studied in this thesis, and obtained valuable advice on aspects rangingfrom frame work constructing and data collection to elaborated analysis.
Secondly, I'm profusely grateful to my respected predecessors and teachers.
Without their precious suggestions, I could not have come this far in this thesis.
Moreover, I owe my thanks to my family and friends, who have always supportedme with their generous encouragements and praises.
Last but not least, I sincerely thank my fellow classmates. We share joys andanxieties, which propels us forward together throughout the arduous journey.
优秀论文英文摘要范文 第17篇
In college English listening speaking classrooms, language and other semioticsystems cooperate together to help students construct meaning. It can be reflected inthe design of textbooks and the use of audios, videos and images, etc. Thus, in thisthesis, the theoretical foundation is the theory of multimodal discourse analysis (MDA)derived from Systemic Functional Linguistics and Social Semiotics. The essence ofMDA is that other semiotic resources such as: images, audios, etc. are as important aslanguage in the meaning-making system. Visual Grammar, Acoustical
Grammar andthe integrated frameworks of MDA are the main analysis approaches in this thesis.
Meanwhile, the results of the teaching investigation and the MDA for textbooksare the practical foundation for the multimodal teaching design, providing feasibleand effective suggestions in this thesis. According to the results, it can be concludedthat students have more or less realized multimodality in this course and argue thatmultimodality should be used in moderation; multimodal classroom activities, socialcontent, etc. should be brought into the class; teachers should remind students to payattention to images, fonts change and other multimodal factors in textbooks.
Therefore, when conducting the multimodal teaching design, attention should bepaid to: (1) Modalities influence each other with clear priorities in this course. (2)Words modality and acoustical modality are the primary modalities, while othermodalities are just used as tools to provide supplementary information and to improveteaching efficiency. (3) The chosen modalities should provide to make the learning material more easily understood and help studentsconcentrate. Then, on the basis of the above principles and the writers teachingexperience, a sample teaching design has been worked out, then its feasibility andeffectiveness have been verified by an empirical study with the method of interview.
优秀论文英文摘要范文 第18篇
Degree adverbs play a crucial role in daily language communication. However,owing to their wide varieties and similar meanings, it is hard for language learners toreally master their meanings and usages.
With the aid of AntConc and based on the corpora of FROWN (TheFreiburg-Brown Corpus of American English),FLOB (The Freiburg-LOB Corpus ofBritish English) and CLEC (Chinese Learner English Corpus), the study aims tocompare the actual use of common English degree adverbs in terms of semanticprosody between Chinese EFL learners and native English speakers. The researchprocedures consist of two steps.
First, AntConc is launched to extractconcordance lines of the target node words in each corpus and the semantic featuresof the node words collocates are analyzed; then, the semantic prosodies of these nodewords are summarized and comparisons are made between the two corpora.
The results indicate that there are differences as well as similarities betweennative English speakers and Chinese learners in their use of semantic prosody.
Chinese EFL learners tend to underuse the negative semantic prosodies of fairly,highly, and totally,overuse the negative semantic prosodies of extremely; and misusethe semantic prosody of terribly. The results also show that some problems exist inChinese learners use of semantic prosodies of degree adverbs, and the reasons mayinclude their first language transfer, intralingual transfer, and the lack of informationabout the semantic prosody in dictionaries and textbooks.
The study has some implications for English language teaching, vocabularylearning, as well as the textbook and dictionary compiling.
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优秀论文英文摘要范文 第19篇
优秀论文英文摘要范文 第20篇
Tolstoy Leo writing Anna is a lady of the upper society of Russia capitalism; Bronte Charlotte writing Jane Eyre is a tutor of the England capitalist society. Although two feminine image produces in different state, has the different appearance, the disposition and the life experience, they have the common pursue such as independence, the freedom, the equality. With ours word is pursue _the woman liberates_; with Henrik Ibsen word is _first I am a person_. Facing among family, society, marriage and love complex, intense sentiment and principle contradictory conflict, they are painful, and have paced back and forth. But finally, moral and the passion contradiction causes Anna to move towards the hopeless situation; Emotion and the reason contradiction gave Jane Eyre to love a happy family actually. This article through the analysis which to their love pursue, the individuality and the individuality forms root, has manifested two females in front of love, moral and reason intense revolt consciousness and the rebel spirit, further elaborates the feminine doctrine characteristic and the significance.
Key words: Anna; Jane Eyre; female doctrine
优秀论文英文摘要范文 第21篇
论文题目:On Advertisement Translation from English to Chinese in Light of Functional Equivalence
Abstract:The theories which proposed by Eugene A. Nida have affected many Chinese and foreign translators for a long time, especially the theory of functional equivalence. Functional equivalence refers to the equivalence on the functions but not on the forms and structures.
In our daily life, we live with different advertisements, some of which are translated works. These advertisements are aimed at giving the potential customers a lasting impression and persuading them to buy their product. Therefore, in order to express the ideas of the original works and realize the goal for sale, the translators should take account of the cultural elements and social elements in order to achieve functional equivalence.
This paper consists of three parts. The first part deals with the concept of functional equivalence and its aims and principles. The main aim of functional equivalence is to represent the information of the original work in the target language and achieve the equivalence of functions of languages. In order to make this concept clear, the author gives a brief introduction of different functions. Although different languages have different characteristics, their functions are nearly the same. That is to name the reality and to communicate with the people. The second part deals with the target, principles, requirements and cultural elements of advertisement translation. The third part, the most important part, points out the three main aspects of functional equivalence, semantic equivalence, social-cultural equivalence and stylistic equivalence. At the meantime, the equivalence on different levels and how to achieve functional equivalence in advertisement translation are also systematically illustrated.
Key words: functional equivalence; advertisement translation; cultural elements
优秀论文英文摘要范文 第22篇
摘要: 本文使用从1993到31个省的面板数据,分析了影响中国工资变化的要素。
优秀论文英文摘要范文 第23篇
Risks of Nuclear Power
The principal risks associated with nuclear power arise from health effects of radiation mainly comes form the radioactive can penetrate deep inside the human body where they can damage biological cells and thereby initiate a cancer. If they strike sex cells, they can cause genetic diseases in the rate of the latter is far less than the former. Reactor accidents is also one of the risk of nuclear the nuclear power plant design strategy for preventing accidents ,back-up system and mitigating their potential effects is “defence in depth”, so they happen probability is exceedingly small. If they all fails,very high radiation doses can destroy body functions and lead to death within 60 radioactive waste products from the nuclear industry must be isolated from contact with people for very long time periods. The bulk of the radioactivity is contained in the spent fuel, which is quite small in volume and therefore easily handled with great care. At other radiation problems,for example, exploitation of materials and transport of radioactive materials also produce effects of routine releases of radioactivity from nuclear plants depend somewhat on how the spent fuel is handled.
Key words:radiation,risks,reactor accidents,radioactive waste