do you think it's possible to control someone's attention? even more than that, what about predicting human behavior? i think those are interesting ideas, if you could. i mean, for me, that would be the perfect superpower, actually kind of an evil way of approaching it. but for myself, in the past, i've spent the last 20 years studying human behavior from a rather unorthodox way: picking pockets. when we think of misdirection, we think of something as looking off to the side, when actually it's often the things that are right in front of us that are the hardest things to see, the things that you look at every day that you're blinded to.
for example, how many of you still have your cell phones on you right now? great. double-check. make sure you still have them on you. i was doing some shopping beforehand. now you've looked at them probably a few times today, but i'm going to ask you a question about them. without looking at your cell phone directly yet, can you remember the icon in the bottom right corner? bring them out, check, and see how accurate you were. how'd you do? show of hands. did we get it?
now that you're done looking at those, close them down, because every phone has something in common. no matter how you organize the icons, you still have a clock on the front. so, without looking at your phone, what time was it? you just looked at your clock, right? it's an interesting idea. now, i'll ask you to take that a step further with a game of trust. close your eyes. i realize i'm asking you to do that while you just heard there's a pickpocket in the room, but close your eyes.
now, you've been watching me for about 30 seconds. with your eyes closed, what am i wearing? make your best guess. what color is my shirt? what color is my tie? now open your eyes. by a show of hands, were you right?
it's interesting, isn't it? some of us are a little bit more perceptive than others. it seems that way. but i have a different theory about that, that model of attention. they have fancy models of attention, posner's trinity model of attention. for me, i like to think of it very simple, like a surveillance system. it's kind of like you have all these fancy sensors, and inside your brain is a little security guard. for me, i like to call him frank. so frank is sitting at a desk. he's got all sorts of cool information in front of him, high-tech equipment, he's got cameras, he's got a little phone that he can pick up, listen to the ears, all these senses, all these perceptions. but attention is what steers your perceptions, is what controls your reality. it's the gateway to the mind. if you don't attend to something, you can't be aware of it. but ironically, you can attend to something without being aware of it. that's why there's the cocktail effect: when you're in a party, you're having conversations with someone, and yet you can recognize your name and you didn't even realize you were listening to that.
now, for my job, i have to play with techniques to exploit this, to play with your attention as a limited resource. so if i could control how you spend your attention, if i could maybe steal your attention through a distraction. now, instead of doing it like misdirection and throwing it off to the side, instead, what i choose to focus on is frank, to be able to play with the frank inside your head, your little security guard, and get you, instead of focusing on your external senses, just to go internal for a second. so if i ask you to access a memory, like, what is that? what just happened? do you have a wallet? do you have an american express in your wallet? and when i do that, your frank turns around. he accesses the file. he has to rewind the tape. and what's interesting is, he can't rewind the tape at the same time that he's trying to process new data.
now, i mean, this sounds like a good theory, but i could talk for a long time and tell you lots of things, and they may be true, a portion of them, but i think it's better if i tried to show that to you here live. so if i come down, i'm going to do a little bit of shopping. just hold still where you are.
hello, how are you? it's lovely to see you. you did a wonderful job onstage. you have a lovely watch that doesn't come off very well. do you have your ring as well? good. just taking inventory. you're like a buffet. it's hard to tell where to start, there's so many great things.
hi, how are you? good to see you.
hi, sir, could you stand up for me, please? just right where you are. oh, you're married. you follow directions well. that's nice to meet you, sir. you don't have a whole lot inside your pockets. anything down by the pocket over here? hopefully so. have a seat. there you go. you're doing well.
hi, sir, how are you? good to see you, sir. you have a ring, a watch. do you have a wallet on you? joe: i don't. apollo robbins: well, we'll find one for you. come on up this way, joe. give joe a round of applause. come on up joe. let's play a game.
pardon me.
i don't think i need this clicker anymore. you can have that. thank you very much. i appreciate that.
come on up to the stage, joe. let's play a little game now. do you have anything in your front pockets? joe: money. ar: money. all right, let's try that. can you stand right over this way for me? turn around and, let's see, if i give you something that belongs to me, this is just something i have, a poker chip. hold out your hand for me. watch it kind of closely. now this is a task for you to focus on. now you have your money in your front pocket here? joe: yup. ar: good. i'm not going to actually put my hand in your pocket. i'm not ready for that kind of commitment. one time a guy had a hole in his pocket, and that was rather traumatizing for me. i was looking for his wallet and he gave me his phone number. it was a big miscommunication.
so let's do this simply. squeeze your hand. squeeze it tight. do you feel the poker chip in your hand? joe: i do. ar: would you be surprised if i could take it out of your hand? say yes. joe: very. ar: good. open your hand. thank you very much. i'll cheat if you give me a chance. make it harder for me. just use your hand. grab my wrist, but squeeze, squeeze firm. did you see it go? joe: no. ar: no, it's not here. open your hand. see, while we're focused on the hand, it's sitting on your shoulder right now. go ahead and take it off. now, let's try that again. hold your hand out flat. open it up all the way. put your hand up a little bit higher, but watch it close there, joe. see, if i did it slowly, it'd be back on your shoulder. (laughter) joe, we're going to keep doing this till you catch it. you're going to get it eventually. i have faith in you. squeeze firm. you're human, you're not slow. it's back on your shoulder. you were focused on your hand. that's why you were distracted. while you were watching this, i couldn't quite get your watch off. it was difficult. yet you had something inside your front pocket. do you remember what it was? joe: money. ar: check your pocket. see if it's still there. is it still there? (laughter) oh, that's where it was. go ahead and put it away. we're just shopping. this trick's more about the timing, really. i'm going to try to push it inside your hand. put your other hand on top for me, would you? it's amazingly obvious now, isn't it? it looks a lot like the watch i was wearing, doesn't it?
(laughter) (applause)
joe: that's pretty good. that's pretty good. ar: oh, thanks. but it's only a start. let's try it again, a little bit differently. hold your hands together. put your other hand on top. now if you're watching this little token, this obviously has become a little target. it's like a red herring. if we watch this kind of close, it looks like it goes away. it's not back on your shoulder. it falls out of the air, lands right back in the hand. did you see it go? yeah, it's funny. we've got a little guy. he's union. he works up there all day. if i did it slowly, if it goes straightaway, it lands down by your pocket. i believe is it in this pocket, sir? no, don't reach in your pocket. that's a different show. so -- (squeaking noise) -- that's rather strange. they have shots for that. can i show them what that is? that's rather bizarre. is this yours, sir? i have no idea how that works. we'll just send that over there.
that's great. i need help with this one. step over this way for me. now don't run away. you had something down by your pants pocket. i was checking mine. i couldn't find everything, but i noticed you had something here. can i feel the outside of your pocket for a moment? down here i noticed this. is this something of yours, sir? is this? i have no idea. that's a shrimp.
joe: yeah. i'm saving it for later.
ar: you've entertained all of these people in a wonderful way, better than you know. so we'd love to give you this lovely watch as a gift. (laughter) hopefully it matches his taste. but also, we have a couple of other things, a little bit of cash, and then we have a few other things. these all belong to you, along with a big round of applause from all your friends. (applause)
oe, thank you very much.
so, same question i asked you before, but this time you don't have to close your eyes. what am i wearing?
attention is a powerful thing. like i said, it shapes your reality. so, i guess i'd like to pose that question to you. if you could control somebody's attention, what would you do with it?
thank you.
This is Tim Ferriss circa 1979 . Age two. You can tell by the power squat, I was a very confident boy -- and not without reason. I had a very charming routine at the time, which was to wait until late in the evening when my parents were decompressing from a hard day's work, doing their crossword puzzles, watching television. I would run into the living room, jump up on the couch, rip the cushions off, throw them on the floor, scream at the top of my lungs and run out because I was the Incredible Hulk. (Laughter) Obviously, you see the resemblance. And this routine went on for some time.
When I was seven I went to summer camp. My parents found it necessary for peace of mind. And at noon each day the campers would go to a pond, where they had floating docks. You could jump off the end into the deep end. I was born premature. I was always very small. My left lung had collapsed when I was born. And I've always had buoyancy problems. So water was something that scared me to begin with. But I would go in on occasion. And on one particular day, the campers were jumping through inner tubes, They were diving through inner tubes. And I thought this would be great fun. So I dove through the inner tube, and the bully of the camp grabbed my ankles. And I tried to come up for air, and my lower back hit the bottom of the inner tube. And I went wild eyed and thought I was going to die. A camp counselor fortunately came over and separated us. From that point onward I was terrified of swimming. That is something that I did not get over. My inability to swim has been one of my greatest humiliations and embarrassments. That is when I realized that I was not the Incredible Hulk.
But there is a happy ending to this story. At age 31 -- that's my age now -- in August I took two weeks to re-examine swimming, and question all the of the obvious aspects of swimming. And went from swimming one lap -- so 20 yards -- like a drowning monkey, at about 200 beats per minute heart rate -- I measured it -- to going to Montauk on Long Island, close to where I grew up, and jumping into the ocean and swimming one kilometer in open water, getting out and feeling better than when I went in. And I came out, in my Speedos, European style, feeling like the Incredible Hulk.
And that's what I want everyone in here to feel like, the Incredible Hulk, at the end of this presentation. More specifically, I want you to feel like you're capable of becoming an excellent long-distance swimmer, a world-class language learner, and a tango champion. And I would like to share my art. If I have an art, it's deconstructing things that really scare the living hell out of me. So, moving onward.
Swimming, first principles. First principles, this is very important. I find that the best results in life are often held back by false constructs and untested assumptions. And the turnaround in swimming came when a friend of mine said, _I will go a year without any stimulants_ -- this is a six-double-espresso-per-day type of guy -- _if you can complete a one kilometer open water race._ So the clock started ticking. I started seeking out triathletes because I found that lifelong swimmers often couldn't teach what they did. I tried kickboards. My feet would slice through the water like razors, I wouldn't even move. I would leave demoralized, staring at my feet. Hand paddles, everything. Even did lessons with Olympians -- nothing helped. And then Chris Sacca, who is now a dear friend mine, had completed an Iron Man with 103 degree temperature, said, _I have the answer to your prayers._ And he introduced me to the work of a man named Terry Laughlin who is the founder of Total Immersion Swimming. That set me on the road to examining biomechanics.
So here are the new rules of swimming, if any of you are afraid of swimming, or not good at it. The first is, forget about kicking. Very counterintuitive. So it turns out that propulsion isn't really the problem. Kicking harder doesn't solve the problem because the average swimmer only transfers about three percent of their energy expenditure into forward motion. The problem is hydrodynamics. So what you want to focus on instead is allowing your lower body to draft behind your upper body, much like a small car behind a big car on the highway. And you do that by maintaining a horizontal body position. The only way you can do that is to not swim on top of the water. The body is denser than water. 95 percent of it would be, at least, submerged naturally.
So you end up, number three, not swimming, in the case of freestyle, on your stomach, as many people think, reaching on top of the water. But actually rotating from streamlined right to streamlined left, maintaining that fuselage position as long as possible. So let's look at some examples. This is Terry. And you can see that he's extending his right arm below his head and far in front. And so his entire body really is underwater. The arm is extended below the head. The head is held in line with the spine, so that you use strategic water pressure to raise your legs up -- very important, especially for people with lower body fat. Here is an example of the stroke. So you don't kick. But you do use a small flick. You can see this is the left extension. Then you see his left leg. Small flick, and the only purpose of that is to rotate his hips so he can get to the opposite side. And the entry point for his right hand -- notice this, he's not reaching in front and catching the water. Rather, he is entering the water at a 45-degree angle with his forearm, and then propelling himself by streamlining -- very important. Incorrect, above, which is what almost every swimming coach will teach you. Not their fault, honestly. And I'll get to implicit versus explicit in a moment. Below is what most swimmers will find enables them to do what I did, which is going from 21 strokes per 20-yard length to 11 strokes in two workouts with no coach, no video monitoring. And now I love swimming. I can't wait to go swimming. I'll be doing a swimming lesson later, for myself, if anyone wants to join me.
Every kid needs a champion
I have spent my entire life either at the schoolhouse, on the way to the schoolhouse, or talking about what happens in the schoolhouse. Both my parents were educators, my maternal grandparents were educators, and for the past 40 years I've done the same thing. And so, needless to say, over those years I've had a chance to look at education reform from a lot of
perspectives. Some of those reforms have been good. Some of them have been not so good. And we know why kids drop out. We know why kids don't learn. It's either poverty, low attendance, negative peer influences. We know why. But one of the things that we never discuss or we rarely discuss is the value and importance of human connection, relationships.
James Comer says that no significant learning can occur without a significant relationship. George Washington Carver says all learning is understanding relationships. Everyone in this room has been affected by a teacher or an adult.
For years, I have watched people teach. I have looked at the best and I've look at some of the worst.
James Comer (美国著名儿童精神科医师)说过,没有强有力的联系,学习就不会有显著的进步。 George Washington Carver(美国著名教育学家)说过,学习就是理解各种关系。在座的各位都曾经被一位老师或者一个成年人影响过。这么多年,我都在看人们怎么教学。我看过最好的也看过最差的。
A colleague said to me one time, _They don't pay me to like the kids. They pay me to teach a lesson. The kids should learn it. I should teach it. They should learn it. Case closed._
一次有个同事跟我说, “我的职责不是喜欢那些孩子们。我的职责是教书。孩子们就该去学。我管教课,他们管学习。就是这么个理儿。”
Well, I said to her, _You know, kids don't learn from people they don't like._ 然后,我就跟她说, “你知道,孩子们可不跟他们讨厌的人学习。”
(Laughter) (Applause)
She said, _That's just a bunch of hooey._
And I said to her, _Well, your year is going to be long and arduous, dear._ 然后我对她说,“那么,亲爱的,你这一年会变得十分漫长和痛苦。”
Needless to say it was. Some people think that you can either have it in you to build a relationship or you don't. I think Stephen Covey had the right idea. He
said you ought to just throw in a few simple things, like seeking first to
understand as opposed to being understood, simple things like apologizing. You ever thought about thatTell a kid you're sorry, they're in shock.
事实也果真如此。有些人认为一个人或者天生可以建立一种关系或者不具有这种能力。我认为Stephen Covey(美国教育家)是对的。他说你只需要做一些简单的事情,比如试着首先理解他人,而不是想要被理解,比如道歉。你想过吗?跟一个孩子说你很对不起,他们都惊呆了。
I taught a lesson once on ratios. I'm not real good with math, but I was working on it. And I got back and looked at that teacher edition. I'd taught the whole lesson wrong. (Laughter)
So I came back to class the next day, and I said, _Look, guys, I need to apologize. I taught the whole lesson wrong. I'm so sorry._
所以我第二天回到班上说, “同学们,我要道歉。我昨天的课都教错了。我非常抱歉。”
They said, _That's okay, Ms. Pierson. You were so excited, we just let you go._ (Laughter) (Applause)
他们说,“没关系,Pierson老师。你当时教得非常投入,我们就让你继续了。” (笑声)(掌声)
I have had classes that were so low, so academically deficient that I cried. I wondered, how am I going to take this group in nine months from where they
are to where they need to beAnd it was difficult. It was awfully hard. How do I raise the self-esteem of a child and his academic achievement at the same time
One year I came up with a bright idea. I told all my students, _You were chosen to be in my class because I am the best teacher and you are the best students, they put us all together so we could show everybody else how to do it._
有一年我有了一个非常好的主意。我告诉我的学生们, “你们进了我的班级,因为我是最好的老师,而你们是最好的学生,他们把我们放在一起来给其他人做个好榜样。”
One of the students said, _Really_ (Laughter)
一个学生说,“真的吗?” (笑声)
I said, _Really. We have to show the other classes how to do it, so when we walk down the hall, people will notice us, so you can't make noise. You just have to strut._ And I gave them a saying to say: _I am somebody. I was
somebody when I came. I'll be a better somebody when I leave. I am powerful, and I am strong. I deserve the education that I get here. I have things to do, people to impress, and places to go._
我说,“当然是真的。我们要给其他班级做个榜样,当我们走在楼道里,因为大家都会注意到我们,我们不能吵闹。大家要昂首阔步。” 我还给了他们一个口号:“我是个人物。我来的时候是个人物。我毕业的时候会变成一个更好的人物。我
And they said, _Yeah!_
You say it long enough, it starts to be a part of you.
And so — (Applause) I gave a quiz, 20 questions. A student missed 18. I put a _+2_ on his paper and a big smiley face.
He said, _Ms. Pierson, is this an F_
I said, _Yes._
He said, _Then why'd you put a smiley face_
I said, _Because you're on a roll. You got two right. You didn't miss them all._ I said, _And when we review this, won't you do better_
我说,“因为你正渐入佳境。你没有全错,还对了两个。” 我说,“我们复习这些题的时候,难道你不会做得更好吗?”
Teachers, students:
Everybody is good!
Time flies, time flies! With infinite thoughts a retrospect of the past ten years life path, immediately feel are so many things I want to thank too much...
But, I thank my mother most, if not mother, who can give us flesh and blood, how to raise me, nursery, taught me many things a person?
Kindness as the sea, you worked so hard to put me up, to say, through hardships spent countless painstaking effort, but you are always complaint or regret. Indeed, a mother's love is like a flowing stream, so soft, so clear; While plumes of yarn silk, a mother's love is like a fine, so close; A mother's love is like the towering mountains, so thick, so rich. All in all, everything, how can we repay you a piece of work for me?
Perhaps it was a little, I don't know what call readmitted, also can't really realize the real meaning of parents strict with us, sometimes even feel some cruel parents request. But, in the course of your growth, when one day, you still careful to think of it, just jot feel happiness in your life, bit by bit you must feel it filters through the is their endless love of love!
Institute of Thanksgiving, it is not just to support you, helped you, be grateful, for they have been given with the help of the deepest gratitude, even against, rejected you, be grateful, thank them for giving you an opportunity to hone, let you constantly to mature, become more strong. If you really have a grateful heart, let you live unlimited wonderful!
Thank you all!
good morning, ladies and gentlemen,
last summer, i volunteered(动词) to work as an english teacher in a primary school for children of migrant workers. to be accurate, i didn't volunteer. i was dragged in literally. when my friends first hit upon the idea of this project. i was all against it. 'what?' to spend my vacation standing in the heat yelling at a bunch of nine-year-olds who couldn't even speak proper mandarin chinese? and besides. there's no pay for my toil. no. i am definitely not going. my friends twisted my arms to have me join them.
unexpectedly,the first lesson i taught turned out a lesson for me. the moment i stepped into the shabby classroom. i was touched by the loud, respectful voices in unison. 'good morning teacher !' instead of fooling around, the children were thirsty for knowledge and efficient in absorbing everything i was able to give them. this made me despise myself for i hadn't even prepared for the class. during the break. i leaned over the squeaky desk, chatting with a sweaty boy in the front row. _without air-conditioning, it's really hot here. are you tired?_ not at all. said he. shaking his head. it's fine here. my dad builds asphalt roads. that is really tiring and hot.
as summer advanced. my enthusiasm as a teacher grew. i prepared my lesson carefully and even used some methods my teachers used. i organized many group activities to give the kids fun. strangely enough the heat was also becoming less and less unbearable. soon, my one-month volunnteer came to an end. when i was leaving my last class, i turned back and saw smiling faces and waving hands. never before had i ever had such a feeling of sadness. which was, nevertheless, mixed with a sense of enrichment, fulfillment and happiness. i was paid for my work, amply paid, not in terms of money, but something more valuable.
my english was improved, i was able to teach it, although not very professional. i learned about the grassroots-level society. inside myself a heart is growing. a heart that not only beats for myself. but cares for others as well. the volunteer work gave me a precious little chance of saying thanks. to people like the little boy's father who construct highways and undergrounds, build up modern skyscrapers, and make our cities more and more beautiful. to help the children with their english was all i could do at present to show my gratitude to these unsung heroes. the world may not have been fair to them. so privileged and blessed people like me make their life better. whatever i do for them, however, i know it can't be compared with what they have done to improve the quality of life in our cities. ladies and gentlemen. now i realize that voluntary shouldn't be just a one-time personal experience. it should be a lifetime activity of everybody. many of us are now offering assistance to the needy and to each other and our efforts have indeed made a difference schooling,---- or caring for the elderly in nursing homes, and helping out in 20xx beijing olympics, will not only contribute to the harmony of the world but elevate ourselves as well. emerson once said, _it's one of the most beautiful compensations of this life no man can sincerely try to help another without helping himself_ he was right. i hear that my university is going to organize another voluntary teaching program this summer. this time i won't be dragged in. i will volunteer. thank you !
Honorable judges,distinguished guests,ladies and gentlemen:
It is a great honor and pleasure to be here on this beautiful Saturday morning to share with you my sentiments about life and passion for the English language.
About a year and a half ago,I took part in my very first English Speech Contest. When I stood before the microphone with all eyes starring directly at me,I could hardly speak. I stood there,embarrassed and helpless,struggling in vain for the right thing to say. My fears had paralyzed me.
While my passion for English has never changed,I lost my courage to speak in public. When my professor again encouraged me to take part in this Competition,I said “no.” I couldn’t endure yet another painful experience. He looked me straight in the eye and said something that pierced my heart. I will never forget his words. “Look,” he said,“We all have our fears,and you have yours. You could twist your ankle in a basketball game,but then be afraid to ever play again. Running away can never dispel your fears,but action will. A winner is not one who never fails,but one who never quits.”
I spent a whole day with his words twisting and turning in my mind. Then I made the bravest and wisest decision of my life: I would face my fears – and take part in the competition!
As it turned out,my dear old professor was right. Now,here I am,once again standing before a microphone. My heart is beating fast,and my mouth is dry,but most importantly,I have faced my fears -- and that makes all the difference!
Thank you.
When Dorothy was a little girl, she wasfascinated by her goldfish. Her father explained to her that fish swim byquickly wagging their tails to propel themselves through the water. Withouthesitation, little Dorothy responded, _Yes, Daddy, and fish swim backwardsby wagging their heads._
In her mind, it was a fact as true as anyother. Fish swim backwards by wagging their heads. She believed it.
Our lives are full of fish swimmingbackwards. We make assumptions and faulty leaps of logic. We harbor bias. Weknow that we are right, and they are wrong. We fear the worst. We strive forunattainable perfection. We tell ourselves what we can and cannot do. In ourminds, fish swim by in reverse frantically wagging their heads and we don'teven notice them.
I'm going to tell you five facts aboutmyself. One fact is not true. One: I graduated from Harvard at 19 with anhonors degree in mathematics. Two: I currently run a construction company inOrlando. Three: I starred on a television sitcom. Four: I lost my sight to arare genetic eye disease. Five: I served as a law clerk to two US Supreme Courtjustices. Which fact is not true? Actually, they're all true. Yeah. They're alltrue.
At this point, most people really only careabout the television show.
I know this from experience. OK, so theshow was NBC's _Saved by the Bell: The New Class._ And I playedWeasel Wyzell, who was the sort of dorky, nerdy character on the show, whichmade it a very major acting challenge for me as a 13-year-old boy.
Now, did you struggle with number four, myblindness? Why is that? We make assumptions about so-called disabilities. As ablind man, I confront others' incorrect assumptions about my abilities everyday. My point today is not about my blindness, however. It's about my blind taught me to live my life eyes wide open. It taught me to spotthose backwards-swimming fish that our minds create. Going blind cast them intofocus.
What does it feel like to see? It'simmediate and passive. You open your eyes and there's the world. Seeing isbelieving. Sight is truth. Right? Well, that's what I thought.
Then, from age 12 to 25, my retinasprogressively deteriorated. My sight became an increasingly bizarre carnivalfunhouse hall of mirrors and illusions. The salesperson I was relieved to spotin a store was really a mannequin. Reaching down to wash my hands, I suddenlysaw it was a urinal I was touching, not a sink, when my fingers felt its trueshape.
A friend described the photograph in my hand, and only then I could seethe image depicted. Objects appeared, morphed and disappeared in my reality. Itwas difficult and exhausting to see. I pieced together fragmented, transitoryimages, consciously analyzed the clues, searched for some logic in my crumblingkaleidoscope, until I saw nothing at all.
I learned that what we see is not universaltruth. It is not objective reality. What we see is a unique, personal, virtualreality that is masterfully constructed by our brain.
Let me explain with a bit of amateurneuroscience. Your visual cortex takes up about 30 percent of your 's compared to approximately eight percent for touch and two to threepercent for hearing. Every second, your eyes can send your visual cortex as manyas two billion pieces of information. The rest of your body can send your brainonly an additional billion. So sight is one third of your brain by volume andcan claim about two thirds of your brain's processing resources. It's nosurprise then that the illusion of sight is so compelling. But make no mistakeabout it: sight is an illusion.
Here's where it gets interesting. To createthe experience of sight, your brain references your conceptual understanding ofthe world, other knowledge, your memories, opinions, emotions, mentalattention. All of these things and far more are linked in your brain to yoursight. These linkages work both ways, and usually occur subconsciously. So for example, what you see impacts how you feel, and the way you feel can literally change what you see.
Numerous studies demonstrate this. If you are asked toestimate the walking speed of a man in a video, for example, your answer willbe different if you're told to think about cheetahs or turtles. A hill appearssteeper if you've just exercised, and a landmark appears farther away if you'rewearing a heavy backpack. We have arrived at a fundamental contradiction.
What you see is a complex mental construction of your own making, but you experienceit passively as a direct representation of the world around you. You createyour own reality, and you believe it. I believed mine until it broke apart. Thedeterioration of my eyes shattered the illusion.
You see, sight is just one way we shape ourreality. We create our own realities in many other ways. Let's take fear asjust one example. Your fears distort your reality. Under the warped logic offear, anything is better than the uncertain. Fear fills the void at all costs,passing off what you dread for what you know, offering up the worst in place ofthe ambiguous, substituting assumption for reason. Psychologists have a greatterm for it: awfulizing.
Right? Fear replaces the unknown with theawful. Now, fear is self-realizing. When you face the greatest need to lookoutside yourself and think critically, fear beats a retreat deep inside yourmind, shrinking and distorting your view, drowning your capacity for criticalthought with a flood of disruptive emotions. When you face a compellingopportunity to take action, fear lulls you into inaction, enticing you topassively watch its prophecies fulfill themselves.
When I was diagnosed with my blindingdisease, I knew blindness would ruin my life. Blindness was a death sentencefor my independence. It was the end of achievement for me. Blindness meant Iwould live an unremarkable life, small and sad, and likely alone. I knew was a fiction born of my fears, but I believed it. It was a lie, but itwas my reality, just like those backwards-swimming fish in little Dorothy'smind. If I had not confronted the reality of my fear, I would have lived it. Iam certain of that.
So how do you live your life eyes wideopen? It is a learned discipline. It can be taught. It can be practiced. I willsummarize very briefly.
Hold yourself accountable for every moment,every thought, every detail. See beyond your fears. Recognize your your internal strength. Silence your internal critic. Correct yourmisconceptions about luck and about success. Accept your strengths and yourweaknesses, and understand the difference. Open your hearts to your bountifulblessings.
Your fears, your critics, your heroes, yourvillains -- they are your excuses, rationalizations, shortcuts, justifications,your surrender. They are fictions you perceive as reality. Choose to seethrough them. Choose to let them go. You are the creator of your reality. Withthat empowerment comes complete responsibility.
I chose to step out of fear's tunnel intoterrain uncharted and undefined. I chose to build there a blessed life. Farfrom alone, I share my beautiful life with Dorothy, my beautiful wife, with ourtriplets, whom we call the Tripskys, and with the latest addition to thefamily, sweet baby Clementine.
What do you fear? What lies do you tellyourself? How do you embellish your truth and write your own fictions? Whatreality are you creating for yourself?
In your career and personal life, in yourrelationships, and in your heart and soul, your backwards-swimming fish do yougreat harm. They exact a toll in missed opportunities and unrealized potential,and they engender insecurity and distrust where you seek fulfillment andconnection. I urge you to search them out.
Helen Keller said that the only thing worsethan being blind is having sight but no vision. For me, going blind was aprofound blessing, because blindness gave me vision. I hope you can see what Isee.
Thank you.(Applause)
Bruno Giussani: Isaac, before you leave thestage, just a question. This is an audience of entrepreneurs, of doers, ofinnovators. You are a CEO of a company down in Florida, and many are probablywondering, how is it to be a blind CEO? What kind of specific challenges do youhave, and how do you overcome them?
Isaac Lidsky: Well, the biggest challengebecame a blessing. I don't get visual feedback from people.
BG: What's that noise there? IL: Yeah. So,for example, in my leadership team meetings, I don't see facial expressions orgestures. I've learned to solicit a lot more verbal feedback. I basically forcepeople to tell me what they think. And in this respect, it's become, like Isaid, a real blessing for me personally and for my company, because wecommunicate at a far deeper level, we avoid ambiguities, and most important, myteam knows that what they think truly matters.
BG: Isaac, thank you for coming to TED. IL:Thank you, Bruno.
e ice cream.
See, us kids are going to ansatically be happy and healthy.
es doe from Dr. Roger e of those parents like mine counted it as one of the reasons they felt confident to pull their kids from traditional school to try something different. I realized Im part of this small, but groputer hacker, he hacked skiing. His creativity and inventions made skiing munity, and through a net around the nation, and that sparked my love of e basic physics concepts like kinetic energy through experimenting and making mistakes.
My favorite munity organizations play a big part in my education, High Fives Foundations Basics program being aizing hats and selling them. The people cliff-to-cliff. Skiing to me is freedom, and so is my education, its about being creative; doing things differently, its about community and helping each other. Its about being happy and healthy among my very best friends.
So Im starting to think, I know what I might want to do when I grow up, but if you ask me what do I want to be when I grow up? Ill always know that I want to be happy. Thank you.
In 20x — not so long ago — a professor who was then at Columbia University took that case and made it [Howard] Roizen. And he gave the case out, both of them, to two groups of students. He changed exactly one word: _Heidi_ to _Howard._ But that one word made a really big difference. He then surveyed the students, and the good news was the students, both men and women, thought Heidi and Howard were equally competent, and that's bad news was that everyone liked Howard. He's a great guy. You want to work for him. You want to spend the day fishing with him. But Heidi? Not so sure. She's a little out for herself. She's a little 're not sure you'd want to work for her. This is the complication. We have to tell our daughters and our colleagues, we have to tell ourselves to believe we got the A, to reach for the promotion, to sit at the table, and we have to do it in a world where, for them, there are sacrifices they will make for that, even though for their brothers, there are not. The saddest thing about all of this is that it's really hard to remember this. And I'm about to tell a story which is truly embarrassing for me, but I think important.
When I was nine years old I went off to summer camp for the first time. And my mother packed me a suitcase full of books, which to me seemed like a perfectly natural thing to do. Because in my family, reading was the primary group activity. And this might sound antisocial to you, but for us it was really just a different way of being social. You have the animal warmth of your family sitting right next to you, but you are also free to go roaming around the adventureland inside your own mind. And I had this idea that camp was going to be just like this, but better. (Laughter) I had a vision of 10 girls sitting in a cabin cozily reading books in their matching nightgowns.
当我九岁的时候 我第一次去参加夏令营 我妈妈帮我整理好了我的行李箱 里面塞满了书 这对于我来说是一件极为自然的事情 因为在我的家庭里 阅读是主要的家庭活动 听上去你们可能觉得我们是不爱交际的 但是对于我的家庭来说这真的只是接触社会的另一种途径 你们有自己家庭接触时的温暖亲情 家人静坐在你身边 但是你也可以自由地漫游 在你思维深处的冒险乐园里我有一个想法 野营会变得像这样子,当然要更好些 (笑声) 我想象到十个女孩坐在一个小屋里 都穿着合身的女式睡衣惬意地享受着读书的过程
Camp was more like a keg party without any alcohol. And on the very first day our counselor gathered us all together and she taught us a cheer that she said we would be doing every day for the rest of the summer to instill camp spirit. And it went like this: _R-O-W-D-I-E, that's the way we spell rowdie. Rowdie, rowdie, let's get rowdie._ Yeah. So I couldn't figure out for the life of me why we were supposed to be so rowdy, or why we had to spell this word incorrectly. (Laughter) But I recited a cheer. I recited a cheer along with everybody else. I did my best. And I just waited for the time that I could go off and read my books.
野营这时更像是一个不提供酒水的派对聚会 在第一天的时候呢 我们的顾问把我们都集合在一起 并且她教会了我们一种今后要用到的庆祝方式 在余下夏令营的每一天中 让“露营精神”浸润我们 之后它就像这样继续着 R-O-W-D-I-E 这是我们拼写“吵闹_的口号 我们唱着“噪音,喧闹,我们要变得吵一点” 对,就是这样 可我就是弄不明白我的生活会是什么样的 为什么我们变得这么吵闹粗暴 或者为什么我们非要把这个单词错误地拼写 (笑声) 但是我可没有忘记庆祝。我与每个人都互相欢呼庆祝了 我尽了我最大的努力 我只是想等待那一刻 我可以离开吵闹的聚会去捧起我挚爱的书
But the first time that I took my book out of my suitcase, the coolest girl in the bunk came up to me and she asked me, _Why are you being so mellow?_ -- mellow, of course, being the exact opposite of R-O-W-D-I-E. And then the second time I tried it, the counselor came up to me with a concerned expression on her face and she repeated the point about camp spirit and said we should all work very hard to be outgoing.
但是当我第一次把书从行李箱中拿出来的时候 床铺中最酷的那个女孩向我走了过来 并且她问我:“为什么你要这么安静?” 安静,当然,是R-O-W-D-I-E的反义词 “喧闹”的反义词 而当我第二次拿书的时候 我们的顾问满脸忧虑的向我走了过来 接着她重复了关于“露营精神”的要点并且说我们都应当努力 去变得外向些
And so I put my books away, back in their suitcase, and I put them under my bed, and there they stayed for the rest of the summer. And I felt kind of guilty about this. I felt as if the books needed me somehow, and they were calling out to me and I was forsaking I did forsake them and I didn't open that suitcase again until I was back home with my family at the end of the summer.
于是我放好我的书 放回了属于它们的行李箱中 并且我把它们放到了床底下 在那里它们度过了暑假余下的每一天 我对这样做感到很愧疚 不知为什么我感觉这些书是需要我的 它们在呼唤我,但是我却放弃了它们 我确实放下了它们,并且我再也没有打开那个箱子 直到我和我的家人一起回到家中 在夏末的时候
Now, I tell you this story about summer camp. I could have told you 50 others just like it --all the times that I got the message that somehow my quiet and introverted style of beingwas not necessarily the right way to go, that I should be trying to pass as more of an extrovert. And I always sensed deep down that this was wrong and that introverts were pretty excellent just as they were. But for years I denied this intuition, and so I became a Wall Street lawyer, of all things, instead of the writer that I had always longed to be -- partly because I needed to prove to myself that I could be bold and assertive too. And I was always going off to crowded bars when I really would have preferred to just have a nice dinner with friends. And I made these self-negating choices so reflexively, that I wasn't even aware that I was making them.
现在,我向你们讲述这个夏令营的故事 我完全可以给你们讲出其他50种版本就像这个一样的故事-- 每当我感觉到这样的时候 它告诉我出于某种原因,我的宁静和内向的风格 并不是正确道路上的必需品 我应该更多地尝试一个外向者的角色 而在我内心深处感觉得到,这是错误的内向的人们都是非常优秀的,确实是这样 但是许多年来我都否认了这种直觉 于是我首先成为了华尔街的一名律师 而不是我长久以来想要成为的一名作家 一部分原因是因为我想要证明自己 也可以变得勇敢而坚定 并且我总是去那些拥挤的酒吧 当我只是想要和朋友们吃一顿愉快的晚餐时 我做出了这些自我否认的抉择 如条件反射一般 甚至我都不清楚我做出了这些决定