


冀教版英语范文初一 第1篇






冀教版英语范文初一 第2篇



1、能听、说、读、写单词:room; kitchen; bathroom; living room









能正确运用room; kitchen; bathroom; living room,能准确理解课文内容。



三。教具、学具: Some pictures,vocabulary cards ,audiotape and the tape recorder


简单的说,区别: 客厅主要是用来接待客人的地方,起居室主要是家人一起聊天,看电视的地方。因为咱们现在的条件有限,一般人家是把客厅和起居室没有分开,一个空间,两种功能。

五、Teaching steps:

Step 1. Class Opening

1. Greetings:

T: Good morning , boys and girls !

S: Good morning , Miss Sun !

T: How are you today ?

S: I’m fine , thank you . And you ?

T: I’m fine , too . Thank you . Where do you live ?

S1: I live in an apartment.

S2: I live in a house .


Use vocabulary cards to review the words “ house”, “classroom”, “bathroom” ,“bed”.

Step concepts: room, kitchen, bathroom, living room

a. Use posters of rooms to demonstrate each word.

b. Point out the word “room” in bathroom, bedroom and living room.

c. Free talk:Let the students introduce their rooms and the things in it.

book :

a. Play the audiotape as the students follow in their books.

b. 1)T: In our book , there are two new words .“mine and yours ”

T: This is my book . This is mine .

T: This is my coat . This is mine .

T: That is your pencil . That is yours .

T: That is your shirt . That is yours .

T: Do you know the meaning ?

S: Yes . Mine 是我的。 Yours 是你的。

2)Ss say sentences freely, they should hold some objects in their hands or point to the objects and make the others clear about their meaning.

T : ( Point to a book ) This is mine

S : This is my book .

Step 4:Practice:

Use a picture-prompt drill. Hold up vocabulary cards for objects found in particular room.

T:(Hold up the card for toilet) Where does this go? It goes in the ……

S: ……bathroom.

T: Very good. It goes in the bathroom. TV, couch and lamp go with kitchen. Bathtub, shower and toilet go with bathroom.

Divide the class into small groups. Ask each group to make up a dialogue about showing someone around a new house.

Step 5:Consolidation

1. Fill the blanks.

T: I write some sentences for my house .,but I can’t write the name of rooms . Can you help me ?

S: Fill in the blanks in small groups . Ask one volunteer to show .

Step 5:Homework: Write some sentences to describe your rooms in your house.


Lesson 2 Jenny’s House

room kitchen bathroom living room

This is my bedroom. This is mine.

That is your bedroom. That is yours.

冀教版英语范文初一 第3篇

Good afternoon, everyone! Nice to meet you here! I’m XXX, an English teacher from XXX Middle School. Today I’m glad to have a chance to introduce my lesson to you. Now, I’ll say something about my lesson: Lesson 22 Presents from Canada. I’ll say this lesson from six parts.

Part One. Analysis of the Teaching Material:

(一)Status and function.

This is the sixth lesson in Unit 3, Junior English Book 3 (Learning English)This unit focuses on the festivals in autumn in Canada and China. It mainly introduces three important festivals: Thanks giving, Mid-autumn Festival and a birthday. It is helpful for the Ss to learn about Western cultures.

This lesson is mainly about posting presents and cards to Li Ming. The Ss will learn what to write in birthday cards, and it’s a chance to show their love to their classmates and parents.

(二) Teaching aims:

1、Knowledge objects.

A) Master the new words and phrases.

B) Learn what to write in birthday cards and how to post them.

2、Ability objects:

A) To improve the Ss’ listening, speaking, reading and writing abilities.

B) To improve the Ss’ awareness and ability of cross-culture.

3、Moral objects.

A) To cultivate the feelings of loving each other and caring about others. Make the Ss’ love their classmates and parents more deeply.

B) To enable the Ss to take a great interest in learning English and take an active part in the activities in class.

(三) Teaching Important Points

1) Master the new words and phrases. 2) Train students’ reading ability.

(四)Teaching Difficult Points

How to improve students’ reading ability.

Part Two Teaching methods

1. Multi-media teaching. It can help the students be interested in the lesson and learn the lesson happily and easily.

2、Encouragement and praise.

3. “Task-based” teaching method.

“Task-based” language teaching has been one of the most important foreign teaching approaches during these years. The New English Curriculum requires teachers to use it .It’s an effective and advanced teaching approach. It’s widely used in many different countries.

Part Three Learning methods:

As an English teacher, your duty is not only to teach the students some English knowledge, but also to raise their skills of learning and using English. Such as:

1. Co-operation and competition----Students cooperate and compete with each other by working in groups.

2. Reading skills----How to read English

Part Four Teaching Aids

multi- media, the blackboard, objects.

Part Five Analysis of the students

The students are in Grade Eight now, and they have some interests of learning and speaking English, they are willing to co-operate and communicate with others in class, especially this lesson is related to their daily life: Giving presents to a friend. I think it’s easy for them to learn the lesson and they will take an active part in the activities in class.

Part Six Teaching procedures

I’ll finish this in four steps. First, I’ll divide the Ss into four groups and bring a competition into the class. In the end, let’s see which group is the best.

Step1. Greeting

Greet and sing the song “Happy birthday to you ” with the Ss.

As we know: Well begun, half done. To have a good beginning, and motivate the Ss’ interest, I let the Ss sing the song together. So the Ss feel relaxed and happy in learning English.

Step2. Pre-reading

1. Show some pictures about a birthday and talk about them with the Ss.

2. Think about it : A) Do you give birthday cards to your friends?

B) What do you write in your cards?

My purpose is to show the beautiful pictures with the multi-media to attract the Ss’ attention and make the Ss take an active part in speaking English, so that they have more interests in learning this lesson.

Step3: While-reading

1. Fast reading

Li Ming’s birthday is coming. Danny and Jenny will give birthday cards to him. Let’s see what they write in their cards. Get the Ss to read the text silently and quickly, answer the questions:

①What are Jenny and Danny doing?

②What do they write in their cards?

③Where are they going at last? Why?

2. Careful reading

1. Get the Ss to read the text silently and carefully, then fill in the blanks.

My purpose is: I use “Fast reading” method to let the Ss get the general ideas of the text and “Careful reading” method to let the Ss get the detailed information of the text. They help develop the Ss’ reading abilities.

While reading, the Ss grasp the meaning of the new words and phrases from the context.

2. The Ss answer the questions. If they do them well, I will praise them and give red stars to them or their groups.

Step4: Post-reading

A) up a new dialogue of posting birthday presents and cards according to the text, using the objects you have prepared.

2. Ask several groups to act it out.

B) Show your love

1. Make a birthday card for one of your classmates. Don’t forget to make your cards beautiful.

2、Get several groups to show their cards and read what they write to the class, praise and clap for them.

On the above, I designed two tasks: make up a new dialogue and show your love. I use “Task-based” teaching method here is to develop and train the Ss’ ability of communication and also their ability of co-operation. It’s a good way to use English to do things. It’s helpful for the Ss to develop their ability of using English. Making birthday cards is a good chance to show their love to their classmates, so that they will love each other and have a better friendship.

Step8: Homework

1. Make a birthday card for your parent.

2. Rewrite the story in the text.

My purpose is to cultivate the Ss’ writing ability and it’s a good way to consolidate the knowledge they have learned after class. Making a birthday card is a good chance to show their love to their parent.

Blackboard Design

Lesson 22 Presents From Canada

New words and phrases:

Groups: 1 2 3 4

box----boxes tape address

post=mail wait cardboard

post office send…to… all ready

on the top of…

Thanks for listening! If you have any good advice, please share with me!

冀教版英语范文初一 第4篇

Jane Eyre is a first-person narrative of the title character, a small, plain-faced, intelligent and honest English orphan. The novel goes through five distinct stages: Jane's childhood at Gateshead, where she is abused by her aunt and cousins; her education at Lowood School, where she acquires friends and role models but also suffers privations; her time as the governess of Thornfield Manor, where she falls in love with her Byronic employer, Edward Rochester; her time with the Rivers family at Marsh's End (or Moor House and Morton, where her cold clergyman-cousin St John Rivers proposes to her; and her reunion with and marriage to her beloved Rochester at his house of Ferndean. Partly autobiographical, the novel abounds with social criticism and sinister gothic elements.