运动猝死总结 第1篇
运动猝死总结 第2篇
§ 2003年,法国联合会杯半决赛中,喀麦隆中场xxx·福在无对抗情况下猝然倒地,送院不治,年仅28岁。
§ 2014年,被视为“希望之星”的xxx在训练中猝然倒下,后经抢救无效。这位大连超越的球员在离世时未满18岁。
§ 2015年,青岛海牛队塞尔维亚外援戈基奇训练后突发休克,经抢救无效后离世,年仅29岁。
§ 2017,北京北控的xxx瓦外援蒂奥特在训练中猝然倒地,送院后宣告不治,年仅30岁。
运动猝死总结 第3篇
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10 Pelliccia A, Fagard R, Bjørnstad HH, et al. Recommendations for competitive sports participation in athletes with cardiovascular disease: a consensus document from the Study Group of Sports Cardiology of the Working Group of Cardiac Rehabilitation and Exercise Physiology and the Working Group of Myocardial and Pericardial Diseases of the European Society of Cardiology. Eur Heart J. 2005, 26(14): 1422-45.
11 Lynge TH, Jeppesen AG, Winkel BG, et al. Nationwide Study of Sudden Cardiac Death in People With Congenital Heart Defects Aged 0 to 35 Years. Circ Arrhythm Electrophysiol. 2018, 11(6): e005757.
12 Corrado D, Basso C, Pavei A, et al. Trends in sudden cardiovascular death in young competitive athletes after implementation of a preparticipation screening program. Jama. 2006, 296(13): 1593-601.
运动猝死总结 第4篇
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