


动名词总结 第1篇

1、动名词是由动词变化而来,所以,动名词的意义也是表示某个动作或事情。例如: Reading English aloud in the morning will do you a lot of good.

Cheating on an exam ruins one's character. 考试作弊毁坏人的性格。

2、动名词作主语时,对于一些比较长的动名词短语,一般采用_It is …_和_There is …_两种句式来表示。例如:

It is no use waiting for him any longer. 等他是没有用的。

There is no joking about such matters. 这种事开不得玩笑。


It’s no use crying over spilt milk. (抽象)

He realized that to go on like this was no use. (具体)


当表语是动名词时,主语也要用动名词;当表语是不定式时,主语也要用不定式,如: Seeing is believing. = To see is to believe.


It’s no use doing … It’s no good doing…

It’s a waste of time doing …

动名词总结 第2篇


swimming pool游泳池 reading material 阅读材料

walking stick 手杖 opening speech 开幕词

listening aid 助听器 waiting room 候车室

running water 自来水 developing countries 发展中国家

working people 劳动人民 sleeping child 熟睡孩子

动名词总结 第3篇





eg. He decided to give up smoking.

Reading a lot can help me to understand better.

The boy practices playing the piano every evening.

Smoking is harmful.

B)动名词的完成形式having done

having done所表示的动作都发生在谓语动词之前。

eg. He didn’t mention having met you before.

I have no idea of their having done such a thing.

The old teacher was given a medal for having completed sixty years of teaching.

Mrs. Curie was awarded the Nobel Prize for having discovered the element radium.

C)动名词的被动形式being done

being done所表示的是一个被动的动作。

eg. Mike came into the office without being asked.

The problem is far from being settled.

注:在一些特定的动词或词组后面,动名词用的是主动形式,但表示的是被动的意义,如在want, need, require, be worth等词之后。

eg. The flower wants watering. (= to be watered)

The old clock needs oiling. (= to be oiled)

The problem requires considering again. (= to be considered again)

The book is worth reading. (= is worthy to be read)

D)动名词的完成被动形式having been done

having been done所表示的是一个发生在谓语动词之前的被动的动作。

eg. Tom was ashamed of having been scolded by the principal.

I still remembered having been taken to Suzhou by my mother when I was 5.



eg. He insisted on Lisa’s not going there alone.

He was criticized for not having finished his homework.


动名词的复合结构就是在动名词前用名词或代词的所有格:sb’s doing。这个所有格通常就是这个动名词的逻辑主语。

eg. Do you mind my opening the window?

Tom’s getting up early surprised his parents.

注1:如果这个动名词是作宾语,那么我们还可以用宾格加动名词,而当动名词是作主语时,就只能用所有格。如上面的第一个例子就能改成:Do you mind me opening the window? 但第二个例子的Tom’s(或His)不能换成Tim(或Him)。


eg. You can hear the noise of desks being opened and closed outside the school.


试比较:Do you mind turning on the light?

Do you mind my turning on the light?

动名词总结 第4篇


eg. Getting up early is a good habit.

Teaching English is my work.

Breathing became difficult when they reached the top of the mountain.

There is no joking about such matters.


It is no use crying over spilled milk. (覆水难收)

It is a waste of time quarreling with each other.


试比较:A) Smoking is not allowed in the library.

It’s not very good for you to smoke so much.

B) Building houses is their job. They are builders.

I am on duty today. To keep the classroom clean is my duty.


eg. A) It’s important to study English well.

It is no good reading without thorough comprehension.

B) Seeing is believing.

To see is to believe.